Hi Gromacs users,
I am studying the protein-ligand interaction using amber99sb-ILDN force field
in gromacs 4.6.2. To create the ligand topology (lipid A), I have used online
version of ACPYPE/antechamber.http://webapps.ccpn.ac.uk/acpype/
I have read a lot more time that charge on different atoms
In https://code.google.com/p/acpype/ you can look the wikis and you see the
explanations about the partial charges.
The best solution, though not straightforward, would be using
On 2 September 2013 11:27, Muhammad Ayaz Anwar wrote:
> Hi Gromacs user
I am trying to add ethanol as a new residue to CGenFF force field in gromacs.
Basically, I need to bring this information from charmm rtf file to the gromacs
format. This is the information taken from rtf file of charmm.
RESI ETOH 0.00 ! C2H6O Ethanol, adm jr.
On 9/2/13 12:59 PM, Golshan Hejazi wrote:
I am trying to add ethanol as a new residue to CGenFF force field in gromacs.
Basically, I need to bring this information from charmm rtf file to the gromacs
format. This is the information taken from rtf file of charmm.
Please make sure to keep the discussion on the mailing list.
On 9/2/13 1:27 PM, Golshan Hejazi wrote:
This is the gro file that I am using:
1ETHAC11 3.133 3.266 0.008
1ETHAO12 3.244 3.350 -0.021
1ETHA HO13 3.324 3.296 -0.015
Thanks Justin for looking at the files. I am using the gro and top file to
generate a tpr with the following mdp file in order to see if everything is all
title = geometry-optimization
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
include =
On 9/2/13 2:02 PM, Golshan Hejazi wrote:
Thanks Justin for looking at the files. I am using the gro and top file to
generate a tpr with the following mdp file in order to see if everything is all
title= geometry-optimization
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
Have you tried with even less restraints? I found systems are not always
stable with more than the bare minimum of restraints
On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Trayder Thomas wrote:
> It still explodes on a 0.1fs timestep, turning off P-R doesn't seem to have
> an impact. I've tried being gentle,
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Gianluca Interlandi
> Justin,
> I respect your opinion on this. However, in the paper indicated below by BR
> Brooks they used a cutoff of 10 A on LJ when testing IPS in CHARMM:
> Title: Pressure-based long-range correction for Lennard-Jones interactions
Dear Justin,
I set the couple_intramol parameter to yes and rerun the free energy
simulations. mdrun was able to fully utilize all the cores in the
system but there's one issue. The free energy of solvation is vastly
different if the parameter is set to 'no' (DG=-408.10 +/- 8.69 kJ/mol)
or 'yes'
On 9/2/13 9:43 PM, Jernej Zidar wrote:
Dear Justin,
I set the couple_intramol parameter to yes and rerun the free energy
simulations. mdrun was able to fully utilize all the cores in the
system but there's one issue. The free energy of solvation is vastly
different if the parameter is set to
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