Hi, all
I use GMX4.5.5, GROMOS96 53a6 force field ro simulation 1dx0.pdb, I use two
steps energy minimization (steep and cg ) in vacuum as follows:
1. pdb2gmx -f 1dx0.pdb -o xxx.gro -ignh -ter -water spce -ss -p xxx.top
2. editconf -f xxx.gro -o xxx.pdb -c -d 0.9 -bt cubic
3.grompp -f em.m
On 6/9/13 5:15 AM, maggin wrote:
Hi, all
I use GMX4.5.5, GROMOS96 53a6 force field ro simulation 1dx0.pdb, I use two
steps energy minimization (steep and cg ) in vacuum as follows:
1. pdb2gmx -f 1dx0.pdb -o xxx.gro -ignh -ter -water spce -ss -p xxx.top
2. editconf -f xxx.gro -o xxx.pdb -
Hi Tsjerk,
Thank you so much for the helpful insight. It will surely help in clearing
some basic concepts about eigenvectors and the projections.
Also, since in the end you mentioned about my matrix being derived only
from C-alpha atoms which proves a limitation, would you reckon a backbone
Hi users/developers,
I identified 2 issues in the center_coords function of g_density that make
the flag -center incorrectly center the system. These are in addition to
the issues previously raised by Chris Neale (reported as issue 1168 on
redmine: http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1168). I have a
On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Albert wrote:
> Hello:
> Recently I found a strange question about Gromacs-4.6.2 on GPU workstaion.
> In my GTX690 machine, when I run md production I found that the ECC is on.
> However, in my another GTX590 machine, I found the ECC was off:
> 4 GPUs detected:
On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 4:35 PM, João Henriques
> Just to wrap up this thread, it does work when the mpirun is properly
> configured. I knew it had to be my fault :)
> Something like this works like a charm:
> mpirun -npernode 2 mdrun_mpi -ntomp 8 -gpu_id 01 -deffnm md -v
That is indeed t
I have posted the cmake output (cmake-4.6.1) and the file CMakeError.log at
the usual
I see there are some errors but don't know what to make of them.
View this message in context:
based on Mark's idea I would have thought that the cpu detection would
have already failed during cmake. But it seems it detected SSE4.1
Could you post the stack trace for the crash? (see previous mail for
On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Amil Anderson wrote:
Dear gromacs users,
I am compiling gromacs 4.6.1, but when I configure the package ccmake
The fftw library found is compiled without SIMD support, which makes it
although I compiled fftw
./configure --enable-single --enable-shared --enable-sse2 CC=icc F77=ifort
Is it a kno
Dear, sir
I'm a user of gromacs from China.I have just regist your mail
list."gmx-users mailing list membership configuration for mxy1989 at
mail.ustc.edu.cn, bravema".
but I don't know how to use it. and I have a very important question: In your
gromacs version 4.5 , Pulling is not support
Dear Gromacs users,
I'm still relatively new to molecular modelling.
I want to build a OPLSAA toplogy file of my molecule. I have only the pdb
file of my molecule.
Can any one help me what detailed steps should I follow to get that topolgy
Many thanks
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@g
You may have compiled one like that (AFAIK those CFLAGS won't help), but
CMake *finding* that one once installed can be another matter (e.g. use
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH per install instructions). You can see which fftw was
found with "grep FFTWF_LIBRARY CMakeCache.txt" from the build directory -
or pay c
Please do search for GROMACS tutorial material, which will help you get
started with the basic concepts.
On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 6:34 AM, Souilem Safa wrote:
> Dear Gromacs users,
> I'm still relatively new to molecular modelling.
> I want to build a OPLSAA toplogy file of my
Dear Mark,
thank you for your answer, I'm doing it right now.
On 10 June 2013 14:02, Mark Abraham wrote:
> Hi,
> Please do search for GROMACS tutorial material, which will help you get
> started with the basic concepts.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 6:34 AM,
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