On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
> hello:
> I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langevin, Berendsen
> and Nose-Hoover chain are all compatible with semi-isotropy coupling
> style? If I would like to use semi-isotropy coupling method, which one
> would be better?
Hello Flo:
thank you so much for your kind comments.
Yes, I would like to couple the pressure, it really helps a lot.
On 05/03/2012 10:40 AM, Dommert Florian wrote:
On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langev
2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
> > hello:
> >
> > I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langevin, Berendsen
> > and Nose-Hoover chain are all compatible with semi-isotropy coupling
> > style? If I would like to use semi-isotropy coupl
On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 10:45 +0200, Albert wrote:
> Hello Flo:
> thank you so much for your kind comments.
> Yes, I would like to couple the pressure, it really helps a lot.
> best
> Albert
You're welcome. There is just one little typo
> On 05/03/2012 10:40 AM, Dommert Florian wrote:
On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 10:48 +0200, francesco oteri wrote:
> Hello,
> 2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
> > hello:
> >
> > I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langevin,
> Berendsen
> > and Nose-
2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 10:48 +0200, francesco oteri wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > 2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> > On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
> > > hello:
> > >
> > > I wondering are the three thermostat methods: Langevin,
I'm sorry, I'm new to Gromacs, and finally got it. Thank you very much.
2012/5/2 Mark Abraham
> On 2/05/2012 8:55 PM, Hagit G wrote:
> Hi gmx users,
> Well, I saw this question but the answer was not understood.
> I'm trying to work with the file 1PPB.pdb.
Dear Gmx Users,
I run the simulation of protein-ligand complex. Then I extracted
coordinates for SMD - I want to pull away my ligand. I used to topology
from pevious simulation, so I removed water, ions from topol.top as the
size box will be changed etc. I placed protein-ligan in new box and
On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 11:31 +0200, francesco oteri wrote:
> 2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 10:48 +0200, francesco oteri wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > 2012/5/3 Dommert Florian
> > On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 07:32 +0200, Albert wrote:
Thank you.
I will use position geometry.
I will actually need to rerun whole thing with slightly different peptide,
so at the end I will not need those curves with recreated tpr-files. But at
least I will now get pull code right from beginning and I got bit more
understanding on pull code issues.
Hi GMX users!
I prepared a box of 125 1-octanol molecules using genconf -f
octanol_single_molecule.gro -nbox 5 5 5 and I tried to equilibrate
this system in NPT ensemble to get proper density and nice cube box,
similar to octanol configuration that one can download from
Hi all,
I'm new in Membrane simulations with Gromacs. I have to simulate a system
made up of a protein just leant on a membrane patch which has previously
been extended and made it free of periodicity (with trjconv). I'm reading
the "KALP15 in DPPCI" Tutorial and, so far, I managed to obtain my pro
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:38 PM, wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new in Membrane simulations with Gromacs. I have to simulate a system
> made up of a protein just leant on a membrane patch which has previously
> been extended and made it free of periodicity (with trjconv). I'm reading
> the "KALP15 in DPPC
I am a bit confused by a comment which I find in all MARTINI example md.mdp
scripts concerning the tc-groups :
It is stated there to couple groups separately:
<< MARTINI -Normal temperature and pressure coupling schemes can be used. It
; is recommended to couple individual groups in your
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Weingarth, M.H. wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a bit confused by a comment which I find in all MARTINI example
> md.mdp scripts concerning the tc-groups :
> It is stated there to couple groups separately:
> << MARTINI -Normal temperature and pressure coupling scheme
Von: gmx-users-boun...@gromacs.org [mailto:gmx-users-boun...@gromacs.org] Im
Auftrag von Anirban Ghosh
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012 13:39
An: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Betreff: Re: [gmx-users] membrane simulation
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:38 PM,
mailto:scapr...@uniroma3.it>> wrote:
relating to the picture see:
It's just a matter of periodic boundary conditions, you don't have two,
but just one cluster of octanol.
What i don't understand is, that your box doesn't collapse (becoming
The separation of groups for temperature control is originally
necessary to avoid (or correct for) temperature gradient in the
system, which occurs when systems parts have different frequencies of
motions. Typically the water molecules and a protein would be
separated to avoid the freezin
I am simulating a membrane protein immersed in a POPC bilayer using
CHARMM36 FF in GROMACS 4.5.5. In NVT and NPT (i.e. in equilibration and
production runs) should I use the dispersion correction or not (as
suggested in some previous posts)?
And if NOT using dispersion correction, then sho
hi guys,
i'm trying to simulate some receptor ligand system with implicit solvent
using gbsa in order to get a quick folding of some tens of N-terminal
peptides. this works pretty well with the target only applying the
amber99sb FF. as soon as i try to simulate it together with the ligand
On 5/3/12 9:34 AM, Vedat Durmaz wrote:
hi guys,
i'm trying to simulate some receptor ligand system with implicit solvent using
gbsa in order to get a quick folding of some tens of N-terminal peptides. this
works pretty well with the target only applying the amber99sb FF. as soon as i
try to s
Than you very much for your reply.
I'm using ffnonbonded.itp etc. I still have some doubts regarding to the
topology file which has to be used. Should I work and modify the topology
file associated with the protein by adding the information related to the
DPPC lipids as reported in the manual? I me
On 5/3/12 10:39 AM, scapr...@uniroma3.it wrote:
Than you very much for your reply.
I'm using ffnonbonded.itp etc. I still have some doubts regarding to the
topology file which has to be used. Should I work and modify the topology
file associated with the protein by adding the information relate
On 5/3/12 10:52 AM, francesco oteri wrote:
Dear gromacs users,
I am using g_energy to extract energies and I noticed that, amon the different
there groups like Lamb-Protein,Lamb-Water_and_ions and other names I dont know.
I am wondering whether exist a guide explaining the differet cont
Hi Justin,
I have
free-energy = no
in my .mdp file, but I still see this value in g_energy.
It should be absent or always 1 while the values by g_energy are close to 1
but still fluctuating along the trajectory.
So, can you explain me how the value is used by gromacs?
I've finished a MD job and I am wondering how can we extract
individual pdb from trajectories in Gromacs? each time I always get a
single pdb contains lots of snapshots.
thank you very much
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
On 4/05/2012 1:10 AM, Albert wrote:
I've finished a MD job and I am wondering how can we extract
individual pdb from trajectories in Gromacs? each time I always get a
single pdb contains lots of snapshots.
See trjconv -h
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
In particular, look at the option -sep
2012/5/3 Mark Abraham
> On 4/05/2012 1:10 AM, Albert wrote:
> hello:
> I've finished a MD job and I am wondering how can we extract individual
> pdb from trajectories in Gromacs? each time I always get a single pdb
> contains lots of snapshots.
On 05/03/2012 05:12 PM, francesco oteri wrote:
In particular, look at the option -sep
thank you for kind reply. but how to superimposed the left snapshot with
the first one?
thanks again for helps
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
2012/5/3 Albert
> On 05/03/2012 05:12 PM, francesco oteri wrote:
> In particular, look at the option -sep
> thank you for kind reply. but how to superimposed the left snapshot with
> the first one?
> thanks again for helps
> --
> gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
On 5/3/12 11:04 AM, francesco oteri wrote:
Hi Justin,
I have
free-energy = no
in my .mdp file, but I still see this value in g_energy.
It should be absent or always 1 while the values by g_energy are close to 1 but
still fluctuating along the trajectory.
So, can you explain me how
thank you very much.
I found a problem : there is no option to select step. eg:
I would like to export one snapshot at each 10ps, I don't find such
kind of options..
On 05/03/2012 05:21 PM, francesco oteri wrote:
2012/5/3 Albert mailto:mailmd2...@gmail.com>>
On 05/03/2012
On 5/3/12 11:58 AM, Albert wrote:
thank you very much.
I found a problem : there is no option to select step. eg:
I would like to export one snapshot at each 10ps, I don't find such kind of
That's what you can use -skip or -dt for. Alternatively, dump out frames at
I am working in complex protein which contains one ligand and one
Mg2+ ion. I am got an error while running grompp for NVT.
grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -o nvt.tpr
On 5/3/12 12:32 PM, kalai arasan wrote:
I am working in complex protein which contains one ligand and one Mg2+
ion. I am got an error while running grompp for NVT.
grompp -f nvt.mdp -c em.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -o nvt.tpr
Hi Florian,
I remark that Langevin method is used also for explicit water system!
But there a big question arises to me. The thermostatting by Langevin is
achieved due to random kicks. If I simulate all atoms explicitly, there
is only vacuum between the atoms. Where do the random kicks come fr
In the .mdp file in the collection I provided yesterday, DispCorr was turned
off and vdwtype set to switch with a switching distance rvdw_switch = 0.8
I copied most of my mdp values from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for
Molecular Biophysics Roland Schulz's gromacs cheatsheet:
Thanks Justin and Mark,
I compared g_rama's results for no pbc treated trajectory and pbc treated
trajectory, it seems they are the same. So gromacs' analysis tools know how
to deal with the "broken" molecules.
But if one want to extract such coordinates out for computing it myself, it
is necessa
Dear Mr. Lai,
I see. I'll look more deeply into it, thanks for your answer.
> De: Peter C. Lai
>Para: Ricardo O. S. Soares ; Discussion list for
>GROMACS users
>Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 2 de Maio de 2012 20:35
>Assunto: Re: [gmx-users] NBFIX to
Dear Ondrej -
I would start with a high pressure simulation (say, P=100 bar) for
200-500 ps. After this run, the system will be compressed to its more
realistic liquid density. Then, go back to P=1 bar and re-equilibrate
for 100-200 ps.
I guess, if the temperature were higher, the density would c
Did you plot the box volume, box dimensions or density with simulation time?
Over those 500,000 steps it should be shrinking.
It would also be a good idea if you made a box size and number of molecules
that is at least close to the density of octanol. From the image you included,
the box appea
On 4/05/2012 4:03 AM, mu xiaojia wrote:
Thanks Justin and Mark,
I compared g_rama's results for no pbc treated trajectory and pbc
treated trajectory, it seems they are the same. So gromacs' analysis
tools know how to deal with the "broken" molecules.
Caveat: some tools seem to be better than
On 3/05/2012 8:08 PM, Steven Neumann wrote:
Dear Gmx Users,
I run the simulation of protein-ligand complex. Then I extracted
coordinates for SMD - I want to pull away my ligand. I used to
topology from pevious simulation, so I removed water, ions from
topol.top as the size box will be changed
I wanted to numerically determine the gaussian curvature of a phase obtained
by self-assembly of surfactants.
I was wondering whether any one can suggest any tool or any program which can
create a 3D grid and then calculate the gaussian curvature on points on the 3D
grid .
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