nitu sharma wrote:
Hello Justin sir
sorry , The suggestion U given to me is not working. Actually I
am a master student and just started to do simulation of membrane
protein . Here no one did this work thats why i am facing more problem.
sorry for putting question all the time in gmx- wrote:
> Dear All:
> I would like to estimate the binding free energy between a drug
> molecule and its receptor. Inorder to do this, i run a MD simulation in
> which PME method was used to deal with long range electrostatic
> interaction.
> I need to calculate the
Hi Lin,
> 1. Although you have explained the differece between HOH, AHOH and
> BHOH, I do not fully understand. => Can I delete all of atoms,
> HOH, AHOH and BHOH ?
You can delete one of them, either A or B, if you want to include the
water in your model. It may be that pdb2gmx discards the B
Respectable Justin/David/Mark and all other Experts
I am not clear about the function of the option -trestart in g_msd
With trestart =0 the msd curve is very kinky which really improves to a smooth
one when trestart=1 is set. But when I increase the value to 10, 20 and 100 ps
the smoo
Sunil Thapa wrote:
Respectable Justin/David/Mark and all other Experts
I am not clear about the function of the option -trestart in g_msd
With trestart =0 the msd curve is very kinky which really improves to a smooth
one when trestart=1 is set. But when I increase the value to 10, 20
> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:33:24 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] what is meaning of vol 0.95 imb F 1%?
> wuxiao wrote:
> > Dear gmx users,
> > If -v was passed on to mdrun, such rows one by one would be printed
> > continuously
Dear all,
I am trying to do an md simulation of a system consiting of water and liquid
crystalline molecules, starting from a random initial configuration.
After some energy minimization if I try to do an NVT simulation (I use the
VERSION 4.0.3) I get the error
t = 0.000 ps: Water molecule st
Antonia V. wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to do an md simulation of a system consiting of water and
liquid crystalline molecules, starting from a random initial configuration.
After some energy minimization if I try to do an NVT simulation (I use
the VERSION 4.0.3) I get the error
Please updat
Hi everyone,
In the gromacs manual the equations regarding the conjugate gradient are
not shown.
Is there anybody that can help me find them or send them to me?
Cheers, Una
gmx-users mailing
Hi, Dallas:
I added this to the ffoplsaa.rtp
[ PDM ]
[ atoms ]
SI SI 0.300 1
CH3 opls_0690.000 1
O opls_108 -0.300 1
[ bonds ]
[ dihedrals ]
CH3SIO SI dih_PDM_chi1_C_SI_O_SI
> wrote:
>> Dear All:
>> I would like to estimate the binding free energy between a drug
>> molecule and its receptor. Inorder to do this, i run a MD simulation in
>> which PME method was used to deal with long range electrostatic
>> intera
Yanmei Song wrote:
Hi, Dallas:
I added this to the ffoplsaa.rtp
[ PDM ]
[ atoms ]
SI SI 0.300 1
CH3 opls_0690.000 1
O opls_108 -0.300 1
[ bonds ]
[ dihedrals ]
CH3SIO SI dih_
Hi, Justin:
Thank you so much for your nice help. I will work on that according to
your suggestions.
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
> Yanmei Song wrote:
>> Hi, Dallas:
>> I added this to the ffoplsaa.rtp
>> [ PDM ]
>> [ atoms ]
>> SI SI
Hi all,
I want to simulate a molecule which has many benzene rings attached to each
other. However I want to coarsegrain the system a lot !!
I want to represent the center of masses of benzene rings with point masses.
For all the parameters, such as bonds, angles, dihedrals I can use similar
I have just completed a position restrained dynamics run on my protein with
GROMACS 3.3.3 and I generated an xvg file with the g_energy command...I
noticed in this that the energy for time step 0 was 0.88 (near 0) kj
mol/S-1/N while the energy for time step 0.2ps was 1158after this the
Hi all,
I want to simulate a molecule which has many benzene rings attached to each
other. However I want to coarsegrain the system a lot !!
I want to represent the center of masses of benzene rings with point masses.
For all the parameters, such as bonds, angles, dihedral
Sorry to bother so many times.
I edited the rtp and added the new residue as following, which I think
should be no problem.
[ PDM ]
[ atoms ]
SI1SI 0.3001
C1 opls_069 0.0001
C2 opls_069 0.0001
O1 opls_108-0.3001
[ bond
Your system works for me under Gromacs 4.0.4 - the only issue is that your PDME
residue has a net +0.3 charge. Does your Gromacs installation work properly for
proven systems like proteins?
I would suggest upgrading to version 4.0.4 and trying again. If that does not
work, post to the list
That means both the rtp and pdb files work in your GROMACS-4.0.4. For
the issue of" PDME residue has a net +0.3 charge" , I should change
the charge to 0 for Si in PDME, which I have ignored. I will update
the software and see if it works. Thanks so much for your help!
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:
Hello all,
I am doing a cg minimization with Gromacs-4.0.3.
It is compiled on a Linux system with gcc 3.4.6
All frames in the trajectory are identical to the starting configuration,
except for the final one, which is clearly different.
I get the expected number of frames in the trajectory (.trr) wrote:
Hello all,
I am doing a cg minimization with Gromacs-4.0.3.
It is compiled on a Linux system with gcc 3.4.6
All frames in the trajectory are identical to the starting configuration,
except for the final one, which is clearly different.
How are you assessing this? Ex
It will be better to check the energy after the final production run
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Halie Shah wrote:
> Hi!
> I have just completed a position restrained dynamics run on my protein with
> GROMACS 3.3.3 and I generated an xvg file with the g_energy command..
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