Re: [gmx-users] wrong format in input file ffamber03.hdb on line
drugdesign wrote: Dear Gromacs users, I am getting and eeror while loading Amber03 force field by pdb2gmx command: --- Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.2 Source code file: h_db.c, line: 87 Fatal error: wrong format in input file ffamber03.hdb on
[gmx-users] wrong format in input file ffamber03.hdb on line
Dear Gromacs users, I am getting and eeror while loading Amber03 force field by pdb2gmx command: --- Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.2 Source code file: h_db.c, line: 87 Fatal error: wrong format in input file ffamber03.hdb on line 2