Thanks for the explanation. I should have used apt values for nstxtcout to get
what I want.
Thanks again
Il 23.04.12, "Justin A. Lemkul" ha scritto:
> On 4/23/12 10:59 AM, Shilpi Chaurasia wrote:
> > Hi Gromacs users,
> >
> >I am using
Hi Gromacs users,
I am using pull code to separate two units of a protein dimer. I have run the
pulling simulation for 650 ps and got pullx.xvg and pullf.xvg files, where the
data is printed at every 0.01 ps (according to pull_nstxout & pull_nstfout,
both are 10 in this case) as given below
> protofilament. Here, the COM distance between the pull group (dimer of
> PRO-2) and reference group (tetramer of PRO-1) first decreases and then
> increases while it moves. How can I simulate this operation by using pull
> code?
> Thanks,
> best regards,
> Shilp
RO-1) first decreases and then
increases while it moves. How can I simulate this operation by using pull
best regards,
Shilpi Chaurasia
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Best regards,
Shilpi Chaurasia
On 09/09/11, "Justin A. Lemkul" wrote:
> Shilpi Chaurasia wrote:
> > I am trying to pull apart two di
pull_group1 = dimer_pull ; pull group
pull_rate1 = 0.1
pull_k1 = 1000
pull_nstfout = 10
pull_nstxout = 10
best regards,
Shilpi Chaurasia
gmx-users mailing
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