Oh!! thanks!!... gromos, gromacs... that little x escaped my attention :)
That should solve all my doubts, thanks a lot!!
> Romelia Salomon wrote:
>> Ok, for my ligand I was using the Dundee PRODRG Server and the file
>> produced reads like this for exam
that be a bug from the website?
Thanks about your comments on what to keep in mind when using this
program, it'll save me some problems :)
> Quoting "Justin A. Lemkul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Quoting Romelia Salomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
monic form for both, right?
Thanks a lot for your time!!!
> Romelia Salomon wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to set a calculation based on the GROMOS force field in a
>> program I have and I am using GROMACS to generate the (starting) input
.itp files for bonding interactions in gmxbon.itp
have declared a type 1 function which would be the regular harmonic one.
Sorry for the very basic questions, but I wanted to be certain about this
things, thanks!!
Romelia Salomon
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