Dear Berk,
I am sorry that I have a mistake in the first letter. In fact I used -bin
0.05, not 100. Yet the result is hanged. Maybe as you said, the current
Gromacs can not realize what I want to do. Thanks again!
H.Y. Xiao
gmx-users mailing
Dear gmx-users,
I simulate a vapor/water/decane/vapor interface system. The interface is xy
plane. I want to analysis water structure at the interface using g_rdf
program along z axis with -xy parameter. But the calculation is hanged as
the following:
Select a reference group and 1 group
Dear gmx-users,
When I viewed the md trajactory (*.trr) of oil/water/oil system using VMD, I
found the trajactories are abnormal and as if there were forces on the
molecules. However, these molecules are very far. The whole simulation is
normal. How to solve this problem and obtain the norm
Dear gmx-users,
When I parallel install gromacs-4.0.4 using my own usr. I encountered the
problem. The following is my installation steps.
Step 1: install lam-7.1.4
$ cd lam-7.1.4
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/xhy/software/lam-7.1.4 --without-fc
Dear Mark,
I do not understand your meaning. Can you explain it to me again? Thanks!
H.Y. Xiao
gmx-users mailing
Please search the archive at
Dear gmx-users,
When I parallel install gromacs-4.0.4. I encountered the problem. The
following is my installation steps.
Step 1: install fftw-3.1.2
# cd fftw-3.1.2
# ./configure --enable-float --enable-mpi -enable-threads
# make
# make install
Step 2: ins
I has used the periodic boundary conditions and correct em.mdp file.
However, the minimized result is water/decane/water, while I set
decane/water/decane as the initial system . I cannot understand the reason.
Please give me some constructive suggestion! Thanks!
H. Y. Xiao
Hi, David van der Spoel
I used the periodic boundary conditions. The box is 3.006x3.002x6.000 along
x,y,z direction,respectively.The following is the em.mdp file.
; User xiao
; 2008.9.28 10:23
; Input file
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
define = -DFLEXI
Hi, gmx-users,
I built a system,decane(42molecule)/water(903)/decane(42), including the two
decane/water interfaces. However, when I minimized this system, I found the
system turn into water/decane(84)/water. That is to say in the initial
system two parts of decane turn into a part, while wate
Hi all,
I simulated the water/air system and calculated the surface tension of water
by using g_energy. The following is the result:
Statistics over 51 steps [ 1000.0001 thru 2000.0001 ps ], 1 data sets
All averages are exact over 51 steps
Energy Average RMSD
Hi, all gmx-users,
I am simulating the surfactant on the liquid/liquid interface. After reading
a lot of paper, I predefine the different potential function forms for these
three parts (surfactant, water, CCl4). For water model, I used the SPC
model; for CCl4, I used the function form from gro
Dear Justin,
For sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate(C12H25C6H4SO3Na), the charges of S and O
in S03- , I cannot find the suitable charge. Forthermore, the carbon in
benzene connecting the SO3- is setted to be zero, I think that there may be
questionable. The polarization of SO3- is very large. what
Hi, gmx-usrs,
I want to ask for a problem on the charge distribution. I simulate the
sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate and its homologues in solution using the
gromos96 force field. I can not find the similar atom type as replace in the
gromos96 force field . How do I define every atomic charge? I
Hi, Mark Abraham,
I accepted your suggestion on the language.
I simulated the CCl4 surface system. In order to simplify model, using the
vacuum replaced the gas phase. Furthermore, I found some paper by other
people also deal with the gas/liquid using the vacuum. In vacuum/CCl4, can I
Hi, Justin,
This is my file.
; File '' was generated
; By user: onbekend (0)
; On host: onbekend
; At date: Thu Oct 9 08:18:55 2008
; This is your topology file
; "God is a DJ" (Faithless)
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG53a
Hi, all gmx-users,
I obtained the gromos96.1 itp file of CCl4 from the PRODRG program and I
modified it to agree with the ffG53a6.itp force field parameters. Please see
the following,
[ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
CL4 3
[ atoms ]
; nr type resnr resid atom cgnr charge
Hi, all gmx-users,
I was simulating a CCl4 surface system. I encounter some problems. I hope
for your help.
First I built a 3x3x3 nm3 CCl4 box, then solved it into a 3x3x15 box in
order to form gas/CCl4/gas surface system. After simulating in NVT, two CCl4
molecules run away to the gas phas
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