Re: [gmx-users] md.mdp query

2009-04-07 Thread Höfling Martin
Am 07.04.2009 um 13:46 schrieb akalabya bissoyi: hello gromacs, i want to know the changes to be done in md.mdp files for 10 ns. i am trying to run it but it's showing the following message. ... the following message is the output of an energy minimization and not a MD run. I suggest to do

Re: [gmx-users] not referencing ffamber03.hdb

2009-03-23 Thread Höfling Martin
Am 23.03.2009 um 03:45 schrieb Jack Shultz: Hey Jack, WARNING: atom HB1 is missing in residue LYSH 124 in the pdb file You might need to add atom HB1 to the hydrogen database of residue LYSH in the file ff???.hdb (see the manual) isn't amber using LYN and LYP for lysines? A

Re: [gmx-users] How VMD to display the velocity

2009-03-05 Thread Höfling Martin
Am 05.03.2009 um 07:44 schrieb Dechang Li: Not sure about VMD, but you can write a short script for pymol in python: 1: reading velocities from gro 2: converting gro2pdb 3: read in pdb into pymol 4: create cgo object containing arrow (search in the list archives or on the wiki page of pymo