[gmx-users] Larger number of decimal places for coordinates with velocities

2013-07-05 Thread C.M.Sampson
Dear all, I use Gromacs 4.5.5 with the AMBER ff99SB force field. I'm working on a method that requires me to run short NVE simulations one after the other, but randomly generating velocities at the start of each simulation. i.e. I would run 10 ps, use the final structure with new random velocitie

[gmx-users] Issues with energy when running in the microcanonical ensemble

2013-06-12 Thread C.M.Sampson
Dear all, I'm using Gromacs 4.5.5 with the amber ff99SB forcefield to run NVE simulations on ethane in 725 TIP3P water molecules. I used antechamber to parametrise my ethane. I have 2 issues; Firstly the energy conservation of my simulations seems to get worse as I lower my timestep, here is an