Re: [PATCH] specify encoding for sed command

2018-04-12 Thread Matthew Coleman
I did a little more digging into this issue today. > On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:42 PM, Matt Coleman wrote: > > I found another (possibly better) way to fix this: > >> On Apr 10, 2018, at 3:18 AM, Matt Coleman wrote: >> >>> 1) What platform OS / version / sed version is this on? >> I'm experiencing

Re: [PATCH] specify encoding for sed command

2018-04-12 Thread Matthew Coleman
>> I think the best way to move forward with this is a new patch that uses >> `awk` instead of `sed`: I tested several `awk` variants and the command >> was portable without requiring any changes to LANG or LC_ALL. >> >> Does that sound like a good plan? > > No ;) > Could you please give the patc

Re: [PATCH] completion: reduce overhead of clearing cached --options

2018-04-16 Thread Matthew Coleman
Disclaimer: I'm not a zsh user, so please correct anything I might have gotten wrong. I created a .zshrc with the following contents: autoload -Uz compinit compinit source /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh zsh doesn't have broken Unicode output in its `

Re: [PATCH v2] completion: reduce overhead of clearing cached --options

2018-05-07 Thread Matthew Coleman
I haven't seen any discussion about this recently. What are the chances of getting it merged? I'd like to see this included in 2.18. >> To get the names of all '$__git_builtin_*' variables caching --options >> of builtin commands in order to unset them, 8b0eaa41f2 (completion: >> clear cached --o