Re: [RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-02 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
rks. So, unless someone wants to revisit git commit, we’re left with imperfect solutions, and git credentials is no worse than another. It certainly fixes my use case fine. You did good work in git credentials. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-02 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
Le vendredi 02 novembre 2018 à 09:27 +0100, Christian Couder a écrit : > On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 3:42 PM Nicolas Mailhot > wrote: > > Le jeudi 01 novembre 2018 à 15:13 +0100, Christian Couder a écrit : > > > How can Git know when you commit where you will want to push the &g

Re: [RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
> need different credentials? Then you do not use git credentials and have to configure all by hand. Which will usually be a major error-prone PITA, so you’ll end up pushing to the system that matches the ID you want to se in git logs, and then push from this system to others. -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Please add a standard ref object to releases

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
e had to define separate sections for releases and tags in its UI. If tags and release were the same thing one could take random git projects on github or gitlab and apply release rules like semver to their tags. Even projects that use semver do not have semver-only tags, and even their semver tags cant'd be semvered as-is because of random injections of prefixes like v or version. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
56874 name = John Doe, Snr Engineer email = Instead of just [user] name = John Doe email = [credential "";] username = doe4ever [credential "";] username = jdoe56874 and drat, I've commited to XXX with the wrong name/email again -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Please add a standard ref object to releases

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
o separate them from normal tags in its UI. I'm not aware of the same thing for LTS or whatever. Of course implementing generic namespacing, would be a way to get a separate release namespace. As long as this release namespace is unambiguously defined at the git level without replaying the 'just invent your own tag recipe' mess at another level. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
Le jeudi 01 novembre 2018 à 10:59 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot a écrit : > Hi, > > A dev persona is not just a username, please add email (and probably > also name) support to git credentials so the correct set for a repo > url > is automatically picked up by git So, just in cas

[RFE] Please add a standard ref object to releases

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
k. Please add a specific release reference to git, so software projects that do versioned releases can use this ref object directly, without needing to invent custom version rewriting rules to shove them in tags while marking they are not just tags but release references. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

[RFE] Please add name and email to git credentials

2018-11-01 Thread Nicolas Mailhot
Hi, A dev persona is not just a username, please add email (and probably also name) support to git credentials so the correct set for a repo url is automatically picked up by git Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Add minimal universal release management capabilities to GIT

2017-10-27 Thread nicolas . mailhot
scheme for decades with little changes. The remaining differences are slowly being eroded by the wish to automate everything. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Add minimal universal release management capabilities to GIT

2017-10-23 Thread nicolas . mailhot
They would make releasing more predictable and reliable >> for people deploying the code, and easier >> to consume by higher-level cross-project management tools. That would >> transform the deployment stage of software >> just like Git already transformed early code writing and autotest stages. > Possibly, but primarily for source releases. Sure, you need to start somewhere, and git's job is managing sources, so source releases are part of its theoritical scope. Best regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Add minimal universal release management capabilities to GIT

2017-10-23 Thread nicolas . mailhot
ng they have the same environment and >> > needs). >> >> If you take the time to look at it it is not specific, it is generic. >> >I would say that you might haven't looked broadly enough. > 1) If it's generic, why isn't there any "generic" release management > tool? Why didn't git exist from day one? Is git not generic? > 2) if it's possible to create a "generic" release management tool and > it just doesn't exist yet, why not try to create instead of trying to > integrate release management into Git ? Because the whole point of Git is to track project states and a release is just a particular state (that happens to be useful for users of a project, not its own devs, which is why it was not included in git from day one. That didn't stop Linus from doing releases manually). >> You need to identify software during >> its whole lifecycle, and the id needs to start in the scm, because >> that's where the lifecycle starts. > It might not for everyone! Please present actual facts, that can be discussed. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

Re: [RFE] Add minimal universal release management capabilities to GIT

2017-10-21 Thread nicolas . mailhot
; stabilizing state and cutting a release. > This is all process specific to your environment. Consider e.g. the > C++ standard committee tracking the C++ Standard in Git . > > They make a release every 10 years or such, so 3 month is off! Actually you'll find out that they do intermediary pre-standard releases way more often. 3 months is the average that works for most projects. I don't propose to set it in stone, just as a sane default. > Integrating with CI and release is definitely important, but Git > itself has no idea about the requirements and environments of the > project specifics, The proposal is not just about CI. The software life does not end when a dev pushes code to CI. You need to identify software during its whole lifecycle, and the id needs to start in the scm, because that's where the lifecycle starts. Right now the only shared id that does not depend on project environment that git proposes is commit hashes, and it is terrible in post-dev stages of the lifecycle. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot

[RFE] Add minimal universal release management capabilities to GIT

2017-10-20 Thread nicolas . mailhot
leasing easier, less tedious, and cheaper for developers, that formalize, automate, and make easier existing practices of mature software projects, making them accessible to smaller projects. They would make releasing more predictable and reliable for people deploying the code, and easier to cons