Sven wrote:
> I don't know who's feeding you your information but
> that person is highly misinformed since there are no vector layers.
> If you want postscript or even pdf files using vectors instead of
> bitmaps, you are looking at the wrong application. GIMP is an image
> manipulation program
Alan Horkan wrote:
> I was trying to find out more about the new "Dog" plugin but the Plugin
> Registry doesn't seem to be working.
> Anyone know what the problem is or if it is just a problem on my end?
> (I have since learned that the dog plugin is an Edge Detecti
Gert Cuykens wrote:
> is there somewhere a tool where you can type something like select
> from 101*102 to 356*456
Well, you can open a script-fu console and use the "gimp-rect-select"
command (ugh). But no, there is no reasonable way to do it right
Over the past few days I've coded up
Dana Silbera wrote:
> In any case, the specific problem I'm getting is while colour balancing
> of the final image, and each shift of the slider requires a bit over 20
> seconds to complete the colour change over the image, which seems
> slower than it should be. It's just a little difficult to r
A few points:
First, jpeg still achieves substantial compression,
and is still lossy, even at a quality setting of 100.
Second, the jpeg docs recommend not using quality settings
above 95, because they greatly increase the file size without
improving the image quality.
Third, there is no way
For people who would be interesting in learning a bit more about
this topic, it might be worth taking a look at the related help
-- Bill
__ __ __
Cristian David wrote:
> I downloaded the Picture "Eastern Hemisphere 2048 by 2048 pixels
> (7.1 MB TIFF)" from
> .
> After this I tried to put another layer over the black part. But
> what ever I tried, the black part of the picture covers i
Sven wrote:
>> I can't remember if "html" files has been associated to crimson. May
>> be, but now aren't associated. I haved tried tipical solution:
>> unistall crimson, gimp, look for crimson association in the windows
>> register.
> This is not at all about filetype association. GIMP hel
David Marrs wrote:
> As for layer effects, well perhaps you should ask the users what it is
> they get out of them. Who knows? You might learn something.
I think most of the developers already understand the value
of layer effects quite well. Let me try to summarize the current
situation. Ther
The jpeg files that GIMP creates are perfectly valid. I think
the basic problem is that you are trying to use a camera as a
storage device, which is not its intended purpose. There are
some cameras that, when you take a picture, create a digital
"watermark" that the camera can use to tell if the
Actually the reality is that Gimp, with the standard plug-ins, does not have the
ability to do this, although there are ways to fake something that looks sort of
like it. The easiest way to get it would be to modify the "blur" filter (found in
randomize.c in the plug-ins directory) so that the
>On 20 Mar 2004, Sven Neumann wrote:
>> Combining a blurred picture with an unblurred picture using layer mask
>> seems to work well for me. Of course it's not the same but it should
>> look reasonably similar.
>On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Jakub Steiner wrote:
>> Just create an appropriate selection f
Yes, these should work, although there are a couple of things worth pointing out.
First, the blur filters ignore the selection when computing their result, and only
apply it afterwards -- this makes your approach work, but means that it can take
a very long time if the slicing is fine. Second, if
>Uh? It works pretty well I'd say:
To my eyes this image looks sharp in the lower 2/3, and uniformly blurred
in the upper 1/3. What you _do_ get using this method is a nice smooth
transition from blurred to unblurred, which may be all you need i
For what it's worth, I went ahead and implemented a true variable blur filter,
by modifying the "blur" plug-in code from 2.0. I'll put the code in the plug-in
registry after a little bug-fixing, but anyway, I put together a comparison of
what you get with variable blurring versus what you get wit
Well, the right place to ask is [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- but a wild guess is that
it might help to run ldconfig, if you haven't done so.
-- Bill
__ __ __ __
Sent via the KillerWebMail system at
Nem W Schlecht wrote:
> Any update on this, Bill?
Thanks for the reminder. Okay, I have uploaded the code to the
Gimp Plug-In Registry, at:
You should have a working gimptool-2.0 in order to install it.
-- Bill
__ __
Dynamic text is no longer needed, because the things it did are
now done by the regular text tool (and done a lot better, too!).
I don't know about the glow filter, but there are indeed some filters
that have not yet been ported from Gimp 1.2 to Gimp 2.0.
-- Bill
__ _
Following up on some discussion here a while back, I have set up a
simple way to add an ICC profile to an image in Gimp if you
have the .icc file. It uses the MetaData plug-in I put
together a little while ago; see:
If you compile and install this, and ru
Tom Williams wrote:
> I can't seem to find any information on how to actually invoke the
> plugin to see the Exif data and I was wondering if anyone knew how to do
> this. :)
Nuts. It installs as Filters->Generic->Exif Browser. Thanks for
pointing this out.
-- Bill
Egon Brinken wrote:
> How can I subtract one specific color from the picture layer, e.g. let the
> uniform colored background be replaced by transparency?
The "Color to Alpha" filter does exactly what you want -- access it using
the menu path "Filters -> Colors -> Color to Alpha".
-- Bil
Baard Ove Kopperud wrote:
> A while back there was a question on this list wheter or not it
> would be breaking any copyright to "translate" a PhotoShop-tutorial
> about making a flame-effect to implement it under GIMP.
> Unfortunately, I just re-installed my system, so I'm not sure where
> the
You should be looking for a file named glib-2.0.pc, and it is
probably located in a directory called pkgconfig. In Fedora the
default is /usr/lib/pkgconfig but I believe it is different in
SuSE. If pkg-config data files are located elsewhere than in
the default directory, then the environment v
Rick Pasotto wrote:
> I have a fairly simple gif image that has various shades of
> brown. I'd like to have the same image but with various shades
> of grey instead. What would be the easiest way of doing this?
> Is there an algorithmic way of converting the brown range to a
> grey range? Gi
Matthew Marshall wrote:
> When I try to open jpeg images from my olympus stylus 400,
> a box pops up saying:
> Opening failed:
> Plug-In could not open image
You didn't give enough information about your system for me to
be sure, but I bet you are seeing the bug described by the
following two
BandiPat wrote:
> Ok, so the problem seems to be with the library,, which
> is provided by SuSE's file libexif-0.5.12-118. Is it that it's a bad
> file, compile or just bad library? Could recompiling from the src.rpm
> correct the problem or is a newer version needed?
The mate
Napoleon Ahiable writes:
> I was trying to make a selection with a grey background colour
> setting of R=127, G=127, and B=127. Trouble is i can not see the
> outline of the shape whilst drawing an outline. It only appears
> after i release the left mouse button [ . . . ] What can be done
> ab
Oskar Eyb wrote:
> Hello,
> the checkbox "Save EXIF data" is activated, but after saving the file
> doesn't contain EXIF data any longer.
> GIMP 2.0.3 Win32
Yes, you are right that it does not work: this is one of the
main reasons why Gimp 2.0.4 is going to be released very soon --
in the n
Milos Prudek wrote:
>> I am guessing only but I'd say the tutorial forgets to mention that
>> the upper layer (the blurry one) needs to be set to Screen mode. I can
>> get a result that comes very close by following the tutorial and
>> changing the layer mode to "Screen".
> What can I say? That
Steve Crane wrote:
> I am adapting a workflow from a Photoshop action and there is one step
> that does haze removal with USM using radius 60, amount 0.30 and
> threshold 1, that is extremely slow. I just timed it on a 94.4MB 4048x3040
> photograph and it took 3 minutes, 50 seconds.
That sounds
Adrian wrote:
> I am scanning in some photos at a very large size. 23x35 inches, 300
> dpi. The final output will be a poster of that size. In spite of my
> best attempts there is always some dust someplace. I'm wondering if
> there is an "easy" way to cover this without having to touch up ea
Niels van Bakel wrote:
> How do you increase the line thickness of an object in an eps file? I
> use the select tool to get the object I want to edit. I can use grow and
> than fill the enlarged object. Is there a better way to do this?
The eps format is not really suitable for this sort of thin
Item: The EXIF Browser plug-in is not distributed with GIMP. (It may
be included in some packages, though.) It can be downloaded from the
GIMP Plugin Registry, at
Item: A digital camera image does not really have a true "resolution".
Assigning one of 3
An update:
Thanks to Michael Schumacher I have been able to add a Windows
binary for the EXIF browser plug-in to the Registry: from
To install, just unzip it and place the unzipped version in
the "plugins" subdirectory of your persona
Adam Stein writes:
> Many tools operate only on the selected region. It seems
> Histogram is one that doesn't and that it always operates on the entire
> image. Is there an easy way to have it operate only on a selected region?
I don't think so. It shouldn't be very hard to implement,
Sven Neumann wrote:
> Aewyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> But: running gimp, I got messages:
>> gimp-2.1:375: warning: can't find numbered character 160
>> uncountable.
> I have never ever seen this message with any application. No idea what
> could be causing this.
It's a font problem, somew
Geoffrey wrote:
> So here's a question which will demonstrate my ignorance. I've got some
> digital photos I took that, when opened with GIMP are identified as
> being 75dpi x72dpi. I need images that are 300 dpi, so is it possible
> to convert the 75dpi image to 300 dpi?? I selected to scale t
>> I would like to re-integrate the Tool Option dialog but I didn't
>> succeeded.
>> How can I do this ?
> See chapter 3.4 in the user manual (
Actually chapter 2.3.4.
We really need to come up with a better way of linking to
things in the Help docs :-).
This is for anybody interested in contributing to the Gimp Help 2 /
User Manual.
Current status:
We have a good prospect of having a high-quality help
package, for at least English and Chinese, ready by the time Gimp 2.2
is released (in 2-3 months), and would like to push toward that
goal. At
Yemu wrote:
> my question is: is it possible to have gimp in one window? like
> in other graphic programs - not to mention photoshop or photo-paint. i found
> something like regimp but this software is old now.
You might take a look at
which is a plug-i
Matt wrote:
>>which is a plug-in called "Windows Gimp Deweirdifyer". It is rather
>>deprecated by the GIMP developers because of the obnoxious name ...
> How about calling it the Windows Gimp Unifier (if the Deweirdifyer name is
> offensive and hinders its success.)
> No offense :-)
I see t
For what it's worth, Mozilla actually uses *Shift*-Ctrl-L
for Open Location, by default.
-- Bill
__ __ __ __
Sent via the KillerWebMail system at
Calvin Spealman wrote:
> If any of you have or know of any documentation,
> perferably on the more recent versions of the format, it would be very much
> appriciated.
You can still find the PhotoShop 6.0 SDK -- the last one that was
publically distributed -- at
JCA wrote:
. . .
> Most of the times, when I type some text in the text window, I get
> nothing on the background, and not text layer is added.
. . .
This doesn't match any widely reported bug I know about. Of course
if you type black text on a black background, you won't see the
text, but y
MLF wrote:
> In future versions of GIMP, I'd love to see a filter or series of
> filters, that would help the user (especially the beginner) to turn
> digital photos into 'hand-drawn' images. I realize that with some
> talent and experience, a good GIMP user can already do this, but I am
> jus
Nick W wrote:
> Right, thanks. I've worked out how to offset (only need the x offset)
> but the clone tool has a cirle with a line through it? - looks like it
> wont work for some reason?
If the clone tool cursor looks like that, it means you haven't
set the source to clone from: it can't copy
For consistency with other programs and with users' expectations,
the menu entry should probably be called "Print Setup" and should
go into the File menu next to the "Print" entry.
-- Bill
__ __ __ __
Sent via the KillerWebMail system at p
> I have been using GIMP for several years and just encountered a problem
> that I had never seen before. I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel
> (300D) and GIMP 2.0.0 is unable to open the JPEG files that it produces.
Most likely you are using a Linux distro (such as SuSE 9.1) that has
a buggy v
48 matches
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