I have a pdf document (one sheet) which contains the background color
(white) and a 2nd color (writing, black). How can I replace one
specific color in the whole document (the writing color) by another?
I found how to change the color of contigous areas but that's not
what I want.
Hello Olivier,
* On 11.07. Olivier Ripoll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
> Have you tried "Select->by color" ?
> Then click on the writing to select all of it, and
> drag and drop the new colour you want to the image window.
This only seems to work to change the color of the (white)
* On 11.07. Sven Neumann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
> Make sure that you select the right areas before
> you fill.
Yes, that's it. Previously I selected the whole sheet. Then I
took a piece of the foreground only.
Gimp-user mailin