Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP hints for astrophotography tweaking

2004-12-03 Thread Robin Laing
post processing tips. Most can be done in GIMP. I will say it will be nicer when GIMP supports deeper color depths. One thing that I have read is making multiple exposures with digital cameras and then adding the photos together. I am just about to get into astro photography as well. -- Robin

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-02-28 Thread Robin Laing
rocessing times have dropped drastically from hours to minutes for the scripts that I run under GIMP 1. Now Photoshop has the benefit of large development teams and the necessary funding to support optimization. It would be nice to have that with the GIMP as well. -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-02 Thread Robin Laing
Sven Neumann wrote: Hi, Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Now Photoshop has the benefit of large development teams and the necessary funding to support optimization. It would be nice to have that with the GIMP as well. But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyo

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-06 Thread Robin Laing
Steve Bibayoff wrote: Hello, On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 09:45:23 -0700, Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sven Neumann wrote: But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyone. So the GIMP's development team could be as large as it's user base. You are correct but m

Re: [Gimp-user] Odd behavoir with big images and memory

2005-04-25 Thread Robin Laing
into weird problems. I will have to get back to this by summer, hopefully. :) -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Odd behavoir with big images and memory

2005-04-26 Thread Robin Laing
> far as changing tile cache sizes and I ran into weird problems. > > I will have to get back to this by summer, hopefully. :) > -- > Robin Laing > playing with tile cache is what got me in trouble. Much over 400 causes the problems. jim This sounds like the problem that I had

Re: [Gimp-user] Disadvantage of GIMP when compared to Photoshop

2005-05-04 Thread Robin Laing
a group. No group idea in GIMP. On another list, this same issue was raised. I was expecting allot of major differences but it seems to be quite small. They may be major to some people but for most people they will be minor or no issue. I have never used Photoshop so I cannot comment. -- Robin L

Re: [Gimp-user] reading 42bit colour files

2005-09-06 Thread Robin Laing
useless. I have submitted my comments to the bug tracker and advise others to do it as well. I wish I had more time as I would try to learn more on how to help with the change and much needed improvement to the colour depth. -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-u

[Gimp-user] Grammar checker.

2005-10-17 Thread Robin Laing
Saw this in Slashdot. Abiword beats OpenOffice to a Grammar Checker I haven't wanted a grammar checker since Windows 3.1 days. -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] delete a file

2007-01-08 Thread Robin Laing
s purpose. I can browse files, delete, rename, etc. I can even open the image in gimp for editting. I don't know if I want GIMP to do this or not. Not the way I normally do things. -- Robin Laing Instrumentation Technologist Voice: 1.403.544.4762 Military Engineering Section FAX: 1.4

[Gimp-user] An interesting comparison of Gimp and Photoshop.

2007-01-17 Thread Robin Laing
ess in the commercial field as well if The Gimp supported CMYK and/or PANTONE. There is an example of converting RGB to CMYK in Photoshop and the problems that creep in. Just thought I would share. -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] 16 bit color- catching the market

2007-01-29 Thread Robin Laing
file type support of Gimp. With the growth and power of digital cameras, the move to greater color depth is important sooner than later. -- Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing list Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/list

[Gimp-user] Repeating layer control over many layers.

2007-03-09 Thread Robin Laing
or is there a built in tool? The number of layers to be processed can go up to 1000 so doing it manually can be a real pain. -- Due to the move to M$ Exchange Server, anything that is a priority, please phone. Robin Laing ___ Gimp-user mailing lis

Re: [Gimp-user] Repeating layer control over many layers.

2007-03-23 Thread Robin Laing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Quoting Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > >> I am using GIMP to process some videos as it allows an easy way to >> measure pixels and ratios. The problem is there are times when I have >> to process the image using tools like Layer > C

Re: [Gimp-user] RAW format from digital camera.

2007-05-03 Thread Robin Laing
Also, when taking RAW photo's, you need much more memory. This can be a major surprise when on a project. I was lucky to have purchased two new 2Gig cards just a week before the project. -- Due to the move to M$ Exchange Server, anything that is a priority, please phone. Robin Lai