The first is about writing text to a file.
In SIOD doing something like this I can write text to a file:
(let* (
(txt-output-file-name (string-append base-filename ".txt"))
(txt-output-file (fopen txt-output-file-name "w")))
(fwrite (string-append text-string "\n")txt-output-file)
(fclose t
> Well, I have setted 64MB as max undo memory, but why this set is not
> used when grouping undo?
Solved this, that was a misconfiguration on my hand.
I had setted a minumun undo levels of 5 an this take precedence over the
max memory for undo.
El dc 22 de 08 del 2007 a les 12:43 +0100, en/na David Woodfall va
> I have just downloaded and tested two scripts and get the same error with
> each:
> Error: Set!: Unbound variable: new
> The scripts are gm-invert and gm-solarize. Is there some incompatability
> with newer version
El dj 23 de 08 del 2007 a les 09:49 +0100, en/na David Woodfall va
> On (22:49 22/08/07), Pere Pujal i Carabantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> put forth
> the proposition:
> > El dc 22 de 08 del 2007 a les 12:43 +0100, en/na David Woodfall va
> > escriure:
> > &
> For now, I've worked around as this, but looks ugly:
> (for-each (lambda (z)(write-char z txt-output-file ))(string->list
> text-string))
better as this:
(display text-string txt-output-file)
BTW The gimp script-fu console segfaults typing something like
(let* (a 1))
Should I post a b
Hi all!
When using SF-FILENAME, if the file exist, the name of the file is shown
in the button, but if the file does not exist, ie. has to be created,
there is "(none)" in the button.
Can someone else reproduce?
Is there a way to show the name on the button even if the file does not
On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 01:17 +0200, Pere Pujal i Carabantes wrote:
> When using SF-FILENAME, if the file exist, the name of the file is
> shown
> in the button, but if the file does not exist, ie. has to be created,
> there is "(none)" in the button.
> Is there a
El dv 07 de 09 del 2007 a les 15:19 +0200, en/na Jan Tomasek va
> I seek help with migrating script-fu script from Gimp 2.2 to 2.4.
> After upgrade to 2.4.0-rc2 script stoped working, first I found problem
> with (set! variable ...) syntax, I replaced that by (define variable
> ...
Hi all!
Start gimp, display the layers dialog and open two diferent files or
create and draw something on one of them.
In the toolbox go to file -> preferences -->Window management and
uncheck "Activate the focused image" click on OK
Now click on a window image in the middle, layers dialog thumb
El dt 25 de 09 del 2007 a les 11:56 +0500, en/na Asif Lodhi va escriure:
> I suggested Quick Mask to Victor because he mentioned he wanted to
> "see" the layer mask and image at the same time because,
Another way to see both is by playing with transparencies:
Put a duplicate layer of the ima
El dv 28 de 09 del 2007 a les 19:34 +0200, en/na Sven Neumann va
> It's not easy to find a good solution that fits for all cases. For GIMP
> 2.4 we have changed the behavior of the Open and Save dialogs so that
> they open in the last used directory if you are using them from the same
El dg 30 de 09 del 2007 a les 12:10 +0200, en/na Sven Neumann va
> The application can already add bookmarks and GIMP 2.4 already makes use
> of this feature in some places.
I see the "Recently Used" (files) entry in file-chooser. Can it hold
"Recently Used Dirs" ?
> I am not co
El dt 02 de 10 del 2007 a les 18:20 +0200, en/na Sven Neumann va
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 23:31 +0200, Pere Pujal i Carabantes wrote:
> > I see the "Recently Used" (files) entry in file-chooser. Can it hold
> > "Recently Used Dirs&
Hi all!
I usually have to scale down some images, so I ask about the best
practice to do so.
The images (RGB photografies) are in the range of 1000x1000 -
3000x3000px and have to be scaled to a range about 200x200 - 400x400px.
I've read something about go scaling 50% in steps approaching the
Hi all!
I've created a script-fu and now I am wondering if I can add a preview
for it like many plugins have.
Is it possible to have preview in script-fus?
If not, I can port to python, is possible to have preview in python
And if not, I can try to do a wrapper from C via gimp_run_proc
El dl 26 de 11 del 2007 a les 03:59 -0500, en/na Lea Wiemann va
> Hi,
> I'd like to turn a black background into white, or transparency (in
> which case it should look cut if displayed on a white background). My
> practical use case is photos of objects with black backgrounds that
On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 21:18 +, Thomas Worthington wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 21:10:11 -, Daniel Hornung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 19 December 2007, Thomas Worthington wrote:
> >> Is there any way to restore the Alt key to its old usage in 2.4? I can't
> >> drag s
On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 21:09 -0200, John Coppens wrote:
> The script is supposed to add a title on a selected place, and worked
> fine under 2.2.x. Now, the text appears as a new layer, but the color
> isn't right, the layer seems blocked (cannot select another layer)while
> it's still floating, t
Hi all!
I've done a draw based mainly on Manju's Flower (24x21)
17 properly distributed flowers in order to get a random effect.
For the license I have no problems (GNU/GPL 2+)
but Who I have to credit for it?
The Gimp Team? or is there someone who knows the author of this brush?
Hi all!
I want to reduce the number of colors like image->mode->indexed does,
but just on the selected parts, not in the whole image.
Any hints?
Gimp-user mailing list
Hi vt, thanks for the reply.
El dg 02 de 03 del 2008 a les 21:12 +0200, en/na vt va escriure:
> On Sunday 02 March 2008 20:49:48 Pere Pujal i Carabantes rašė:
> > I want to reduce the number of colors like image->mode->indexed does,
> > but just on the selected parts, n
back into original image
8 close the auxiliar image
9 confirm that I don't want to save...
To many steps, but it does just what I need, so here is a little script
implementing that, it appears at colors->index-selection:
;; Copyright 2008 by Pere Pujal i Carabantes
;; License GNU/GPL
Hola Octavi!
El dg 06 de 04 del 2008 a les 19:31 +, en/na Octavi Fors va
> I want to convert a FITS image into PPM in batch mode.
> Grabbing code from different sites I end up to a source script version
> like this:
> (define (fits-to-ppm infile
> outfile)
> (let* ((image (ca
Hola Octavi!
El dl 07 de 04 del 2008 a les 13:27 +0200, en/na Octavi Fors va
> Anyway, now the output "mask_gimp.ppm" file is generated. However,
> this is a greyscale one in ASCII (magic number is P2) and would like
> to output a color one in ASCII (magic number is P3).
You should ins
Hi all!
I usually have to save transparent pixels of PNGs, but time to time
don't save them just to compare the difference in size.
The problem is that default preferences get changed, and if I just save
instead of save as, I lose my work on the transparent parts of the
Is there a way to
El dv 11 de 04 de 2008 a les 12:01 +0200, en/na Torsten Neuer va
> Hi,
> > I usually have to save transparent pixels of PNGs, but time to time
> > don't save them just to compare the difference in size.
> >
> > The problem is that default preferences get changed, and if I just save
El dt 15 de 04 de 2008 a les 17:03 -0400, en/na Adonj Adonj va escriure:
> The dancers I make using only a few frames, with transparent
> backgrounds, end up with the mid-tone checks appearing along the
> contour of any part of the subject that has moved in each animated
> frame. Is there any way
El dg 18 de 05 de 2008 a les 23:03 -0300, en/na Lap1994 va escriure:
> Let make things more simple to understand.
> If I draw a %50 opacity white pixel above one black pixel with the pencil
> it becomes silver. But I want the pixel WHITE AND WITH %50 OF OPACITY. I
> simply want to change the
El dt 10 de 06 de 2008 a les 09:36 +0200, en/na Johan Vromans va
> Hi,
> When on vacation I often do this:
> - import an image of a map (download, digital photo)
> - enhance it until satisfactory
> - create a new layer
> - place a series of dots denoting a route
> I often discove
Hi all!
Many times I have to set the visibility of a group of layers, for
example to test the results from a combination of them against another
combination of layers.
Is there some plugin that allows to set some groups of layers and then
change their visibility at once?
Hi Joao!
El dj 12 de 06 de 2008 a les 00:01 -0300, en/na Joao S. O. Bueno va
> Hi again,
> I actually updated the plug-in, as working with visibility would be
> nice as wella s working with the linked states.
Very nice tool, thanks! :)
It laks preview, but does the basic and mos
El dv 13 de 06 de 2008 a les 09:33 +0200, en/na Pere Pujal i Carabantes
va escriure:
> It laks preview, but does the basic and most important thing.
No, it don't lacks preview, it laks agility.
Here is a diff to your script that adds a controller dialog.
Hi all!
I have two photos of the same subject: one blured taken withouth flash,
the other taken with flash is clean but has a reflected color from the
background mixed with the subject colors.
My idea is to translate the colors on the clean photo to the colors on
the blured one.
How do you sugge
El dv 13 de 03 de 2009 a les 01:32 +0100, en/na aether va escriure:
> At this point, I think my best bet is to somehow reach GIMP, but I don't yet
> see any way of doing that.
So you just have probed that "at least" you have overlooked two pages
without understanding what they mean:
El dc 25 de 03 de 2009 a les 15:24 -0400, en/na Don va escriure:
> I am very very new to Gimp and graphic design. I think this is very
> basic, but don't know the professional terminology.
> Please take a look at the following picture,
> http://www.peteconstant.com/assets/images/Web-Banner-
El dg 30 de 08 de 2009 a les 02:56 +0200, en/na Carusoswi va escriure:
> Ok, so, I downloaded Gimp 2.6.7 from GetDeb along with the library files and
> the data files. When I try to run the package installer, I get an error that
> there is a dependency problem with the lib files.
Does getdeb pr
El dj 10 de 12 de 2009 a les 20:31 +0100, en/na Deniz Dogan va escriure:
> Is there any way to duplicate multiple layers in one action?
> Is there any way to toggle visibility of multiple layers in one action?
Layer groups?
Hi all!
Linux Debian unstable + The GIMP 2.6.5 editing an image of about
4000x3000 pixels creating and destroying layers trying to find the best
sets for a effect.
At one point the OS was become unresponsive and at the bottom bar of
GIMP, the displayed size showed more than 1,4GB. Then I´ve typed
El dg 07 de 03 de 2010 a les 17:25 -0500, en/na Helen va escriure:
> I have a document in OO (a poem), and I'd like to get it into a gimp
> picture.
> I can't think of any way to do that. I can take a screen shot but the
> document
> is longer than will fit on a screen (it's about a screen and
El dg 14 de 03 de 2010 a les 20:27 +0100, en/na Phil va escriure:
> >Off-list reply
> >
> >* Phil [03-14-10 13:52]:
> >I have attached the image. If you wish to print a larger size, you
> >open the image in gimp and increase the print size under "Image", or
> >will do it for you.
> >
> >g
El dl 10 de 05 de 2010 a les 08:02 +0200, en/na bob va escriure:
> Hi all.
> I'm trying to edit an jpg image I've downloaded from the net.
> This image:
> http://creativenerds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/twitter-icos.jpg
> As you can see, the image has a white background.
> I want
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