[Gimp-user] Script-Fu

2002-01-25 Thread Kinberger Michaela
dear gimp-users,   I just started to use gimp for my current project. The hole project runs in batch-mode so I need the Scdipt-fu commands.   I´m working on a linuxsystem (suse 7.1) and  i think the latest version of gimp is installed?!   i have a tiff with indexed coulors (xxx.tif 1232x686

Re: [Gimp-user] Script-Fu

2002-01-28 Thread Kinberger Michaela
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by changing the color of the > first pixel to "none". Do you want to make it transparent? And > do you want that change to apply to all other pixels that have > the same color? > > To find out your version type "gimp --version" at a shell prompt. > > You can