er tool and swapping back. This is
annoying me greatly, as it's a pretty inefficient way to do things. Anyone got
any suggestions, other than signing up for the CVS (which is a concept I still
kinda don't understand), digging in editing this myself?
> I'd suggest to open the path dialog. There is a button in it where you
> easily can delete the current path. You can also create a new path there
> which comes closer to what you are doing with the actions above.
> Hope this helps,
> Simon
Thanks, Simon. I'll surely give that a shot.
ooks like i'll be doing the "uninstall the new one, reinstall the old one"
thing again. And my friend wonders why i never upgrade windows. It's cause
the sh*t works as it is! lol
Thanks in advance, guys,
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Thanks, Simon. I've relayed the information to him.
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with the latest updates and service packs
GTK + 2 v2.4.3
GIMP 2.0.2
Any clues/ideas/suggestions?
Gimp-user mailing list
I've been having an issue lately where GIMP 2.0.1 (and I upgraded today
and found 2.0.2, as well) is having the following two problems:
It can't seem to read the Windows clipboard anymore. It had been, and now
it's not. I upgraded and still nothing.
Also, whenever I copy and paste som
Thank you. I forgot about the additional keyboard shortcuts and I set all my
fonts differently.
Gimp-user mailing list
thing to do is to hold down Option and hit
"G". On Windows, the easiest thing to do is to hold down ALT, then on the
KEYPAD, type in 0169. See? © <-- Just like that.
As for sites for plugins...