ically on alt-tabbing.
I have shortcuts for all the tools I use on a regular basis, so I've opted to
remove all tool icons (as cool as they were to look at).
Keep up the great work!
Forever indebted,
Eric Pierce
Is there a way to render the Mosaic plugin w/o grid lines?
Also, didn't this plugin have a preview in previous versions of the Gimp? I
have a faint memory it did... or what that just the light-bulb image icon
FYI, I'm trying
Is 'Preferences>Interface>Show menu mneumonics' checked on?
On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 10:12:16PM +0100, Aewyn wrote:
> Hi,
> as for gimp 2.2 I can not use any shotcuts with Alt. (like x)
> In gimp 2.0 it works well.
> I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but it would be
> fine to use
On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 08:57:20PM -0500, BandiPat wrote:
> On Friday 14 January 2005 03:53 pm, BandiPat wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I seem to remember some discussion about this once, but not sure. It
> > may have been more yelling about the new file browser look than
> > anything too. ;o)
> >
> > An
On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 10:02:22PM -0500, BandiPat wrote:
> On Friday 14 January 2005 09:32 pm, Eric Pierce wrote:
> [...]
> > > =
> > >
> > > Ok, I'm adding more to my email. since I have learned more since
> > > asking the original questio
One of the admins at my work purportedly uses Macormedia's Fireworks for raster
image editing.
He told me that the default file format is png! I called him a bold faced
lier, but he swears up and down that png is the default format. I asked him
about layers, and he said the pngs that Firework
Well, you've got your work cut out for you on the frizzy hair guys, but I've
had some success using Filters->Colors->Decompose for frizzy haired
individuals. Go with RGB separation. I then pick the layer with the best
contrast between the hair and the background and massage that into a mask.
(Stop reading now - This is your only warning)
Ok, I'm struggling on some algebra here for a Script-fu plug-in I'm working on.
The plug-in is an automation of this rounded corners tutorial:
Essentially, this tutorial blurs a black and white image
In the levels dialog, click the Logarithmic button (upper right). You have the
Linear button clicked.
On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 05:30:01PM -0800, Daniel Yek wrote:
> Hi,
> The Input Levels Histogram in the Levels tool used to be a nice bell
> curve as shown in this book:
> http://gimp-savvy.
I tried it and didn't see any changes to the interface. GimpShop only
rearranges the menu structure to emulate Photoshop's a little closer.
It's really meant for a PS user who is transitioning to the Gimp. If you're
familar w/the Gimp, there's no need to use it (correct me if I'm wrong).
Even with the Mnot bit?
On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 10:57:11AM -0700, Tom Williams wrote:
> David Herman wrote:
> (snip)
> >Not to disparrage the hard work that was put into this hack but...
> >Let gimp be gimp and photoshop be photoshop.
> I completely agree.
> Peace...
> Tom
I've wondered for years if there's any way to
perfectly strip an image from a solid colored
background while maintaining any alpha channel info.
Take this image for instance.
The background is 100% white. But there's some
definate blending going on wi
I'm running 1.3.10. Can I ask you how you
accomplished this[1] in 1.3.x?
Eric P.
1. The docking and putting the color selector in the
main window
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerf
e, Dec 24, 2002 at 11:31:45PM -0800, Eric
> Pierce wrote:
> > I've wondered for years if there's any way to
> > perfectly strip an image from a solid colored
> > background while maintaining any alpha channel
> info.
> >
> > Take this image for ins
agemaps to test my sanity, but they
won't reload either.
(I am using Gimp for Windows if that matters.)
Any ideas? Maybe I'm just saving it wrong or something...
Thanks for reading...
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
I can't assign the following Alt-key shortcuts to menu items in 1.3.13.
The other letters work fine. Did I screw up something w/gtk? Or is it Gimp?
Hmm and they worked up through 1.3.12.
Thanks for reading.
Eric P
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I can't assign the following Alt-key shortcuts to menu items in 1.3.13.
>> Alt-s
>> Alt-i
>> Alt-d
>> Alt-v
>> Alt-e
>> Alt-r
>> Alt-f
>> Alt-
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> You better not use Alt for shortcuts since the Alt key is used for
>>> mnemonics.
>> Mnemonics?
>> What'chu talkin' about, Willis?
> Mnemonics is how
indow)' failed
This doesn't happen when I run 1.3.15 in English. It works fine.
Anything to do w/2-byte vs. 1-byte fonts?
Thanks and looking good elsewise,
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I use a Japanese environment. With 1.3.15, whenever I try to drag the
>> tool bar to dock under the main gimp window, gimp crashes. Here's the
>> error.
based on Photoshop 6.
And here's a page detailing which shortcuts I did.
The page isn't quite done yet, but if anyone has any criticisms, etc., I'd
like to hear them.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
;s using 'Alt' and a potential mnemonic conflict?
Eric Pierce
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I've finally had a moment to make up a new ps-menurc (I called it
>> 'ps6_menurc'). http://epierce.fre
That's it! Very cool solution.
As soon as you mentioned ps I started wondering if Sodipodi (or some other
vector dealy) could pull this trick off, but your code is perfect.
Manipulable and everything is rendered automatically.
Would make for a nice plug-in I imagine.
Thanks again!
Eric P
I've been wracking my brains for the last several hours, and digging
through the plug-ings, but I can't come up with anything. It seems like
it'd be so easy...
Any help would be much obliged!
Eric Pierce
> On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 16:50, Eric Pierce wrote:
>> This should be easy, but I just can't think how to do it.
>> All I want to create is a radial burst. Sharp black and white lines
>> evenly spaced emanating from the center.
>> Exactly like the
What window manager are you using?
I use IceWM, and that steals the alt-click combo, so I can't use it.
Fortunately, ctrl-alt-click works. Try that.
Eric Pierce
> GIMP user manual says:
> "Note: To move a selection without making it float, you have to select
> the M
> Actually, Deluxe Paint, for simple it was, had some features that are
> not found around in any other program.
Hmm... could be a cool plug-in for Gimp. I wish I knew C.
Good chatting,
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
> Coord is a great trick for this though. Good tip.
yeah, that's hot. A good way to get some control on the # of lines.
Thanks everyone who posted and especially to Joao for the cool dog script.
Eric Pierce
> cheers
> --
> Jakub Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECT
> Eric Pierce wrote:
>>This should be easy, but I just can't think how to do it.
>>All I want to create is a radial burst. Sharp black and white lines
>>evenly spaced emanating from the center.
>>Exactly like the old Japanese flag but witho
Can anyone else reproduce this?
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
his in IceWM?
I asked this a while ago on the IceWM list, but didn't receive a reply.
Eric Pierce
> (not sure of the details for KDE).
>>>>>> On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, "Vittorio" == Vittorio wrote:
> Vittorio> How can I move a selection
I've used Gfig before to make an equilateral triangle.
filters -> render -> gfig
Here's also a Gfig tutorial that won't help you make a triangle, but
should get you up to speed on Gfig.
Eric P.
> Hi,
> Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Whic
>> Robin, there is really no point in being personally offended here.
> Sven, no need to apologize. I said I wasn't offended.
> Cheers,
> Robin
So the merge is on?
> ---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hollywood, California
> ww
uot;, but before
the shortcut saves, the "Display Filters" windows (which has "f" as a
mneumonic) comes up, and the keyboard shortcut is never assigned.
I can edit the 'menurc' file and set it there, but I'd venture a guess
that this won't work for any other si
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
years back.
Any comments, suggestions and gentle shoves in the right direction would
be much obliged.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Thanks both of you for the links.
Damn... I'm intimidated to say the least. Looks like I've got some
reading ahead of me.
Ta ta,
Eric Pierce
> Eric Pierce wrote:
>> Forgive my naivety, but what would be a good way to plunge into some
>> Gimp
>> code and maybe eve
o address some of these potential bugs since
we're coming upon 2.0.
Thanks for reading!
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
I'm trying to take a photo and have it gradually pixelate from small boxes
to big boxes. Can't figure it out except for doing it manually (ugh).
Any ideas? Thanks for reading!
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
one layer - a photo of
people. I want it to gradually (from right to left) go from no pixelation
to slight pixelation, and then larger and larger pixelation so there would
be nice chunky squares on the left side.
Signed "Stumped"
> On Thursday 13 November 2003 1:04 pm, Eric Pierce wro
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> #1 If I have 2 or more linked layers and I use the move tool to try
>> to move all the layers (with mouse or arrow keys), only the
>> currently selected layer moves as opposed to all the link
Opps... got it this time. I think I was selecting the same pixelize value
both times.
However, this still isn't what I was after. I have just one layer and I
want it to pixelate gradually (from right to left) more and more.
thanks all the same, JB.
eric pierce
> HI there.
A script-fu might pull this off well... Some kind of gradually increasing
pixel effect from one direction to the other. I'll work one up once I
have a moment... a moment to learn script-fu better that is.
Eric Pierce
> HI there.
> My "filter all layers&
are where
mnemonics step in to save the day. If you use keyboard shortcuts
extensively, then the rest of the menu functions you need to get to can be
handled competently by mnemonics.
Shit, did I say too much?
Oh, I forgot to mention that I have Suriphobia.
Eric Pierce
Ps. Did someone claim
Will 'kerning' ever be implemented for the text tool?
Would it be ok to do a 'feature request' for this in bugzilla if it's not
currently being considered?
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
> Eric Pierce wrote:
>> I use full-screen mode a lot... and love it.
> Excuse the ignorance, although 'full-screen mode' conjures up some
> thoughts, what exactly is it?
> --
> Until later, Geoffrey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 03:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 04:12:10PM -0600, Eric Pierce
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > However, would you consider removing ESC as a binding to pop you out
>> of
>> > full-screen mode? I thin
I saw some mention (mailing list early 2001) of Gimp & the ability to set
a clipping path.
What is the current status on this?
Has it been implemented or is it on the drawing board?
Just curious.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Under Gimp 1.3.23:
When I crop an image, the top crop line is not there.
Anyone else notice this?
Please someone validate/invalidate this so a bug report can get filed.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
> Hi
> I have downloaded and compiled and installed the above file.
> Only one problemit wont run.gimp does not open.
> There seemed to be no problems in the configure stage. So I am stumped.
Can you give some detail here?
You said you installed it, so you must have a binary flo
or-1.3.so.24' is installed is
included in the file /etc/ld.so.conf. In my case I believe it was
Now type 'ldconfig' as root.
> I did have one thought while compiling, do you need to have installed
> gimp 1.3 already?
> I also clicked the e
way to "remove" these.
Anyone got a quick link?
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Without thinking all that hard about the details of your problem, why
don't you just compile gimp from source? Then you'll find out what you
really need to compile/install.
Tip: use 'checkinstall' instead of 'make install'. It'll do a 'make
install' for you and make custom RPMs of anything your
appreciate any suggestions.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
of the tif file, or
if it's even a recognized spec in tif. I can throw up an image somewhere
if anyone is curious to check it out.
At work I'd like us both to drop Windows all together and go with
Scribus/Gimp, but that might not happen anytime soon.
Eric Pierce
> On Monday 2
That did the trick. Thanks a lot.
Haven't got Pre2 up yet. I wander if any of the error messages I
mentioned below have been addressed...
Eric Pierce
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'm having some problems with the new su
Filed bug #131975 - "Tiff multipage w/multiple warning msg."
Eric Pierce
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'm having some problems with the new support for multipage tifs.
>> First, I get the following erro
I added this enhancement request as well (bug #131982 )
I was wrong. It's an eps file that can save a clipped path, not tif.
Eric Pierce
> Hi,
> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> For page layout work, at work we use (don't laugh)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2004-01-27 at 1804.18 +):
>> Trying to find out what the Dot for Dot menu item is for. At the moment
>> it
>> is a bit of a mystery. Can anyone help?
> It makes Gimp display in pixels or in real un
I'm currently using Pre2 for Windows. I'll check it at home on my Linux
box after work.
Can someone confirm/deny this anomoly before I file a bug report?
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
has the Gimp startup image been decided upon?
There sure were a slew of cool startup images over the course of the
development series.
If it hasn't been decided yet, will a vote ensue?
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
not. I haven't had a chance to setup the
build environment in Win, but...
Eric Pierce
Ps. Jernej went skiing!
Gimp-user mailing list
To affect fonts in all GTK2 apps, I have the following in my ~/
.gtkrc-2.0 file
style "user-font"
font_name="century 12"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"
Of course, you can change the font to whatever you want.
> Hi,
> I use gimp2.0pre3 with debian/sid; the menu-font is too small but I
Well done, everyone!
It's been a pure joy following the 1.3 devel series and watching all the
new goodies & ideas pour into the Gimp.
You are all a part of something truly big and beautiful!
My sincerest appreciation,
Eric Pierce
or other large images.
Any ideas? Thanks for reading.
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Exactly. What you're after isn't possible.
Screen shots are pixelated in print. To get your 300dpi, scale the image,
but use 'None' for interpolation type. That'll maintain the pixely look,
but it won't be some smeared, blurry looking screenshot. It'll be crisp.
The only way you'd get what yo
What do you need done?
> Hi,
> I am forwarding this mail to gimp-user because there hasn't been any
> response on the gimp-developer mailing-list. Perhaps I can reach a
> potential contributor here or at least get some user feedback...
> ___
> Gimp
> Sven Neumann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> "Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>What do you need done?
>> Huh? The forwarded mail outlines it in all details. Which part did you
>> not understand?
I just upgrade to SuSE 9.1.
I grabbed the following rpms from www.usr-local-bin.org:
gtk-2.4.2 (plus devel)
ATK 1.6.0 (plus devel)
Glib 2.4.2 (plus devel)
Pango 1.4.0 (plus devel)
'configure' goes smoothly, but during 'make' it craps out with the following:
gimpviewable.c: In function `gimp_viewab
; (gtk_accel_path "/Raise Layer" "")
; (gtk_accel_path "/Lower Layer" "")
; (gtk_accel_path "/Layer to Top" "")
; (gtk_accel_path "/Layer to Bottom" "")
Also, when I t
One more comment...
Can I suggest that you should submit this to either gimp.org or gug.sunsite.dk ?
It's nice having a somewhat central repository of Gimp tutorials instead of them
scattered all over the web.
See ya!
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 07:03:43AM +, Gerog Veiz wrote:
> hi gimp users
Ok, I want to install 2.1 side-by-side with 2.0.
Everyone says to change the prefix (which I've never done before). Is that as simple
as this?
./configure --prefix=~\gimp_dev && make && make install
Eric P.
Gimp-user mailing list
That worked. Thanks.
On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 06:58:55PM +1000, Owen wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 02:32:10 +
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, I want to install 2.1 side-by-side with 2.0.
> >
> > Everyone says to change the prefix (which I
Check this one out.
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 11:00:29AM +0100, Gearoid Donnellan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I may have posted about this before but I dont think I got
> a reply so forgive me for posting again.
> Im pretty new to the Gimp and so f
First off, thanks for writing this plug-in. There's some cool RAW options in the
plugin that I was never knew about when converting RAW images.
Basically, it works for me on Win2000 Pro at work w/the static version of your plugin.
I need to try the dynamic one again. I didn't have dcraw
I use Filter->Color->Color to Alpha
Shit, and I thought Gimp had one up on PS there too. Luckily, I got 3/4th of our
marketing department (there's 4 of us) using Gimp because they (and I) didn't think
you could cleanly remove backgrounds in PS.
Eric P.
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 05:52:11PM +1000
ove backgrounds?
The other approaches I take are:
1. decomposing the image and a making mask from the layer with the best separation
2. using the path tool to break out a region and (once again) make a mask
Any techniques I'm missing?
Eric P.
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 04:32:59AM +, Eric
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 08:14:05AM +0200, David Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce wrote:
> > Actually, it'd be nice if Gimp could pick up some of the properties of PS's erase
> > background tool.
> Would you mind describing how this tool works? Some s
So I'm loading this psd file in Gimp that my co-worker did, and I notice it looks
funny because the top layer mode was interpreted wrong by the Gimp.
Here's the image.
The top layer in this image is 'Soft Light' when loaded in Photoshop, but
> And please, try
> to be less aggressive on this mailing-list. If you want to, you can
> continue your pointless rants elsewhere but please let this list be a
> friendly place where GIMP users and developers can exchange their
> ideas and experiences and help each others.
a-fucking-greed (i.e., '
ooking for /opt/gnome/lib/libgobject-2.0.la which glib placed here:
What config option do I need to tell gtk where libgobject-2.0.la is now?
I know this is really a question for GTK's mailing list, but I don't feel like budging
from the cozy comform of the gim
gimpstock.c:305: error: `stock_edit_16' undeclared here (not in a function)
gimpstock.c:305: error: initializer element is not constant
Any ideas?
Thanks for reading,
Eric Pierce
Gimp-user mailing list
Quick request.
Can we add (copy over) the 'Keep transparency' checkbox from the layer dialog as a
menu entry?
Layer -> Transparency -> Keep transparency
Eric P.
Gimp-user mailing list
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > gimpstock.c:303: error: `stock_anchor_16' undeclared here (not in a function)
> > gimpstock.c:303: error: initializer element is not constant
> gdk-pixbuf-csource is not working correctly, probably because
Yeah, I just found it listed under 'Configure Keyboard Shortcuts'. That's probably
good enough for a function like this.
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 10:34:11AM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Can we
Not quite as easy, but save the image in Gimp and then Insert -> Picture in OOo.
Or in Windows land, do a 'copy to clipboard' in Gimp and simply paste in OOo.
On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 08:19:41PM +0200, Pau Cabot wrote:
> Hi to everybody,
> I cannot copy an image from Gimp 2.0 to OpenOffice Dra
There are a billion different ways to do what you're talking about. But it really
comes down to the quality/properties of the image you have.
Show us what you have.
On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 01:13:21AM -0500, Tom wrote:
> (new to gimp)
> Hi,
> I would like to change the background color o
, I will continue happily using the Gimp regardless if this gets fixed or
not, but I do think people coming from a print background who are new to the Gimp will
be confused by this (i.e., having to manually calculate the resolution to change the
print size).
Thanks for reading,
Eric Pierce
On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 01:03:52PM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Will the 'print size width/height' fields be returning to the Scale
> > Image dialog?
> Would it perhaps be better to also
So you'll also be moving Resolution from Scale Image, correct?
For what it's worth, I did a good 2 minutes of research on this topic to see
what the other softies are doing for a "Print Size" type dialog.
I see good argueme
Filters -> Distorts -> Curve Bend
On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 03:44:52PM -0800, Barton Bosch wrote:
> What are the best ways to take an image of a straight line and bend
> it into an s-curve with The GIMP? I have tried the perspective and
> shear tools as well as the distort->curve bend filter wit
Would this new 'Print Size' dialog have its own 'Resolution' setting?
Eric P.
On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 03:13:12PM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So you'll also be moving Resolution from Scal
That may be the case in DTP (Desktop Pub.) programs, but not in bitmap/raster
See my updated 3 minute look at 'Image Resize' dialogs of 3 other raster editor
Eric P.
On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 09:01:53AM -0800, W
Ulp... my mistake.
You laid it out perfectly in your initial email. I just lost it somewhere in
the thread.
On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 02:14:08AM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Would this new 'Print Size
95 matches
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