I have a gif-picture, with two layers. The one transparent.
How can I subtract one specific color from the picture layer, e.g. let the
uniform colored background be replaced by transparency? (The resulting
picture must be saved as a gif-file, I presume. It shall be used on my
onsdag 2. juni 2004, 20:55, you wrote :
> The way I've found is to Select by Color using the background, Invert the
> selection, Copy, and Paste into a new image with a Transparent background.
Thanx. But I am relatively newbie. When I have selected by colour (Shift-O),
the menu choice for inver
onsdag 9. juni 2004, 00:41, dreadnought wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using the technique mentioned in the email below to try to get
> images with white backgrounds transparent .. I've had some good luck, but
> also some bad. Today I used the process on two .jpg's and the *entire*
> images ended