Can I make a text fill a shape? Like a rectangle or a triangle? I mean,
automaicaly break lines?
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Gimp-user mailing list
Lap1994 wrote:
> Can I make a text fill a shape? Like a rectangle or a triangle? I mean,
> automaicaly break lines?
> Thanks
There is functionality for this in SVN trunk, and it would be nice to
get some feedback on it because the developers needs to figure out what
do do about
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Martin Nordholts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is functionality for this in SVN trunk, and it would be nice to
> get some feedback on it because the developers needs to figure out what
> do do about this in order to reach stable 2.6 quality.
That's inter