I don't think this is possible. JPEG are already cooked, and flattened picture. I don't think you will be able to break it down, and turn it back to xcf (gimp format). I guess you shouldn't have deleted the original file of the image.ROCK n ROLL REBEL- Original Message From: rob <[EMAIL PR
Look for the Decompose plugin - Colors>Components>Decompose... CMYK -
you'll get an image with 4 black and white layers. Then you can save
each layer as separate files you can use for silk screen. To make
shadings with dots, use Filter>Distorts>Newsprint and play with the
settings ;)
>3. Is there a way to open more then one picture on the same screen? Because
> want to put a few pictures together and then save it as one new picture.
you can also drag and drop images into the gimp
if you drop it on your toolbox it will open it as a new image and when
you drop it on an alre
On 11/6/06, graffoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Look for the Decompose plugin - Colors>Components>Decompose... CMYK -
you'll get an image with 4 black and white layers. Then you can save
each layer as separate files you can use for silk screen. To make
shadings with dots, use Filter>Distorts>Newsp
On Monday 06 November 2006 09:32 pm, Chris Mohler wrote:
> On 11/6/06, graffoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Look for the Decompose plugin - Colors>Components>Decompose...
> > CMYK - you'll get an image with 4 black and white layers. Then
> > you can save each layer as separate files you can use f
Either way, I'd like to hear how you are doing when using GIMP this
To be 100% honest, I still haven't done too may separations with GIMP
yet. I'm slowly gathering all the bits and pieces necc. to replace AI
and PS with Inkscape and GIMP - but it's taking a while :)
I have used spot chann
Thanks for the newsprint and color seperation instructions.
I was certain these were possible but could not find detailed instructions.
I have not tried anything yet but will get on it now an dhave some tests
in this hour.
I was very disappointed to get this first response:
I don't think this i
- Original Message From: rob <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDUSent: Monday, November 6, 2006 4:25:48 PM
Subject: [Gimp-user] how to break down a photo into
printing colors and newsprint shadingIs there a way in GIMP to take any JPG image and have GIMP output4 color
I got as far as IMAGE MODE DECOMPOSE and that produces the desired black
and white
images in greyscale 4 layers and if I do a page up or down I get
on the image box at the bottom of the image
then what?
I seem to be missing the one magic step that breaks these
Hi Rob,
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:25:48 -0500
Subject: [Gimp-user] how to break down a photo into printing colors
and newsprint shading
Is there a way in GIMP to take any JPG image and have GIMP output
4 color
Interesting...newsprint filter does make the dots resolutions.
Looks like all the pieces are here except for. I still have not
figured out how to save out
ONE layer at a time while in the CYMK.jpg 4 layers greyscale image.
Can anyone give me the instruction to accomplish this one simple t
On 11/6/06, rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interesting...newsprint filter does make the dots resolutions.
Looks like all the pieces are here except for. I still have not
figured out how to save out
ONE layer at a time while in the CYMK.jpg 4 layers greyscale image.
Can anyone give me the i
Ok...very good.. the desired result.
I didn't know that the SAVE AS would only save the visible PNG image and
not the underlying
bag of tricks.
looks good...got the desired effect
color seperation and also how to make newsprint shading.
So how about automaticly doing this pr
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