On 3/29/11, s.kortenweg wrote:
> Thanks for your quick help.
> I imported both scripts. After trying the script colortemp was the good one.
Just in case, you can use colortemp interactively via experimental
GEGL tool ("Tools > GEGL operation" menu). This will draw preview
right on canvas. For a l
Op 28-03-11 18:22, Ofnuts schreef:
> On 03/28/2011 05:08 PM, s.kortenweg wrote:
>> I have some jpg files with a wrong white balance.
>> Flash refused by taking the picture.
>> How can i correct this in GIMP?
> http://luca.dealfaro.org/Whitebalance
> This is a very simple script to use:
> - use
On 03/28/2011 05:08 PM, s.kortenweg wrote:
> I have some jpg files with a wrong white balance.
> Flash refused by taking the picture.
> How can i correct this in GIMP?
This is a very simple script to use:
- use the color picker to set the foreground color f
On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:08 PM, s.kortenweg wrote:
> I have some jpg files with a wrong white balance.
> Flash refused by taking the picture.
> How can i correct this in GIMP?
The usual ways is to use Levels (Color > Levels), take, black, grey or
white color pick and pick a color that is known t
I have some jpg files with a wrong white balance.
Flash refused by taking the picture.
How can i correct this in GIMP?
Siem Korteweg.
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