and I prefer Elements in
>most cases.
>I am afraid we are becoming more and more offtopic, as this is obviously
>a pdf printer issue,
>and probably office issue, but not Gimp issue.
I think you are right...but it affects all of us as Gimp users, as we are
creating images in Gimp that we ultimately want to use in PDF docs.
bennettjon (via
Gimp-user mailing list
is no longer the perfect
>original), but as it looks it has *never* been in JPEG format.
But, we still don't have a good solution to using these images in Word and
converting to PDF without the noise. Of course, it's possible - I've seen i
>On 3/22/2010 3:51 PM, bennettjon wrote:
>> Thanks Stefan for the quick reply. I will upload some images. However,
>> issue is not fuzziness in GIMP. The fuzziness occurs when inserting into
>> or Excel and either printing or converting to PDF.
>On 3/22/2010 3:22 PM, bennettjon wrote:
>> You can see the logo at
>Ok, well, what I meant was if you could show us a picture of the saved
>file that is fuzzy, not the good looking one.
>However, my guess is that you
>On 3/17/2010 3:55 PM, bennettjon wrote:
>> I'm new to Gimp and graphic design. I was able to create a logo with a
>> transparent background. However, when I convert to jpg gif or png and
>> upload to my server (or insert into Word or PDF) it's fuzzy around the
>On 3/17/2010 3:55 PM, bennettjon wrote:
>> I'm new to Gimp and graphic design. I was able to create a logo with a
>> transparent background. However, when I convert to jpg gif or png and
>> upload to my server (or insert into Word or PDF) it's fuzzy around the
rid of the fuzziness?
bennettjon (via
Gimp-user mailing list