>Do you use a tablet with Gimp? If so, which one?
Hi John,
Just found your post. Yes, I use a Wacom Bamboo and it's excellent. I designed
my own book covers, and also create pictures for my blogs.
Jude (via gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mail
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Patrick Horgan wrote:
> In your camera it's able to do a black shot to get the average noise of
> your sensors. That gives it a HUGE advantage. It can just subtract
> that from the image. Some of the sensor wells are always more noisy
> than others. You can do
On 07/21/2011 03:14 PM, JPL wrote:
> Le 21/07/2011 23:51, Mikael Ståldal a écrit :
>> Is there any better noise reduction filter for GIMP than the built in
>> Wavelet Denoise? It does remove the noise, but also make the image a bit
>> blurry.
>> Wavelet Denoise in ufraw has the same problem.