Could you be so kind to share your discovery with the rest of the universe?
On 21-Dec-09 15:59, Richard wrote:
>> I would like to embed notes of what I have changed in a photograph in the
>> file. How do I do this? I have looked in the help files and found nothing
> b
On 12/22/09, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> There is also a standalone Windows program that does this conversion:
And on Linux (also usable on Windows when Python is installed) it is
Gimp-user mail
> Does
> tar xvjf gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2
> do anything for you?
What if this person is not a Linux user and not very fond of doing things on
the command line ?
I guess that if he does not like computer speak he might have downloaded the
wrong help package.
Peter, if you are running GIMP
There is also a standalone Windows program that does this conversion:
Hope someone finds it useful!
>Can anybody point me to a Gimp plug-in or external utility that can
>convert *.ase swatch files from Adobe Kuler to Gimp *.gpl files please?
tar xvjf gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2
do anything for you?
On 21/12/09 18:46, PETER GOODCHILD wrote:
Seasons Greetings,
I downloaded gimp-2.6.7. No help manual in it, I then downloaded
gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2. I tried to open it no luck. It is a
bz2 compressed file format
Seasons Greetings,
I downloaded gimp-2.6.7. No help manual in it, I then downloaded
gimp-help-2.6.0-html-en.tar.bz2. I tried to open it no luck. It is a bz2
compressed file format. Visited the bz2 page it is all in computer speak, makes
no sense to me at all.
Please how do I install the help man
well i may just indicate a couple of tricks that sometimes help
1) the first is obviously in case of apparent freezing do nothing...let a
chance to gimp to process all data even if that may take (i.e if not
sufficient Ram) a very long time
So do not click or do nothing (including use of other SW
>I would like to embed notes of what I have changed in a photograph in the
>file. How do I do this? I have looked in the help files and found nothing
>if it is there point me to it.
>Ha found it. Thanks though.
Richard (via
I would like to embed notes of what I have changed in a photograph in the
file. How do I do this? I have looked in the help files and found nothing but
if it is there point me to it.
Richard (via
Gimp-user mailin