Hi John,
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 7:22 AM, John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A book by MIchael J. Hammel, _The Artist's Guide to Gimp Effects_,
> published in 2007, states that the "next release" of Gimp is
> scheduled to offer the CMYK color model. But that seems not to have
> occurred,
I've an unusual problem. When I open and image (say xcf) then select
'Save As', change the extension to png in the 'Save Image' dialog, click
'Save' and don't touch the PNG settings in the 'Save as PNG' dialog, the
image saves fine and I can repeat the process over and over--until I
A book by MIchael J. Hammel, _The Artist's Guide to Gimp Effects_,
published in 2007, states that the "next release" of Gimp is
scheduled to offer the CMYK color model. But that seems not to have
occurred, alsthough there is a CMYK preview mode.
Is CMYK color model off the agenda for Gimp? It