On 4/27/07, Alex Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, That's far better than what I accomplished. I'd appreciate knowing
> what you did.
My guess would be increase the saturation and possibly adjust the hue
of the entire region (net included).
> > What I would like to do is take a photo of someone's face and turn it
> > into a cartoon, more precisely into figures that are on ordinary
> > playing cards: Jack, Queen and King. The main feature of these figures
> > are: clear sharp edges and uniform colors between edges. This last
> > thing
You can also try
> I should add that the Greycstoration Plug-in will also work wonders in
> cartoonifying an image.
> http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/index.html
With respect
Alexander Rabtchevich
I should add that the Greycstoration Plug-in will also work wonders in
cartoonifying an image.
Gimp-user mailing list
2007 m. balandis 28 d., šeštadienis 18:59,
> I would suggest keeping the two operations -- outlining and color
> smoothing -- as separate operations.
> http://www.imageox.com/image/46549-bush.png
Nice work.
Gimp-user mailing
I would suggest keeping the two operations -- outlining and color
smoothing -- as separate operations.
If you duplicate your layer and, on the top layer perform your edge
detection, followed by a desaturation and color removal, you will be
able to erase (or enhance, or de-emphasize) the outl
Hi list,
This is my first message to gimp-users, first of all let me thank
everyone who contributed to gimp, it's really fantastic. After doing a
couple of simple things successfully I have a slightly more
complicated problem now and was wondering if anyone had any useful
What I would lik