Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
On Friday 18 November 2005 06:15 pm, Jakub Moc wrote: > 19.11.2005, 1:38:03, Grant Goodyear wrote: > > Incidentally, the benefit is to make users who are actively helping > > Gentoo feel like they're part of the family. It was decided that a So we give them an email account?? Is there any other

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
ility should be automatically assumed from, but that it be used as another tool. Something to bridge that "poweruser" - "dev" gap. Just openly brainstorming here.. -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgpbSbuLtLDWa.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
ical site I was describing, they would be users.. not ppl. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgpLzyzpoAxaq.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
esign and internal > workings of versionator.eclass. Fair enough > There was a similar proposal from (?)rac a couple of years back. Might > be worth looking at why arch teams hated it last time around. will do -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
d out email addresses if they can't be @g.o What subdomain is going to come next? I'll join Kurt in the yellowstar domain.. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- gento

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
ectly affect the distribution. But that is neither here nor there. It is nothing I'm not working on anytime soon.. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
earing that the GLEP was submitted, then a day before the vote it was revised.. Is that true? It should be voted on the way that it was submitted. No riders. If it needs to be revised post-submission, then such submission should be revoked. Someone should write a GLEP to propose rules to the GL

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-18 Thread Corey Shields
know). Ahh, ok thanks for clearing that up. Still screwed up. Lesson learned, make friends with a majority of the council, write and propose a glep the day before a meeting and then push it through. wow. sounds a lot like American politics. -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Te

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
t have time to catch up on the changes to represent the opposing point of view. If that was a mistake as Grant pointed out, that is fine, but until Grant made that statement nobody else from the inside was considering it a mistake. Kurt's latest request attempts to rectify the mistake.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
On Saturday 19 November 2005 09:20 am, Corey Shields wrote: > couple of council members I have talked to didn't have time to catch up on I take this part back, turns out they aren't council members and I thought they were.. my bad. -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructur

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
On Saturday 19 November 2005 01:05 pm, Danny van Dyk wrote: > Corey Shields schrieb: > | Ahh, ok thanks for clearing that up. > | > | Still screwed up. Lesson learned, make friends with a majority of the > | council, write and propose a glep the day before a meeting and t

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
t is about implementation of those, and how the council is handling it. Personally, I am fine with the idea of a repo and fine with the email accounts. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
t the lack of delay between the changes and the vote was not enough for devs to comment (specifically Lance). I don't care if I am a trustee or not, that's wrong. After your last email, I don't think you are in any position to comment on behaviour. ;) -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
On Saturday 19 November 2005 02:40 pm, Brian Harring wrote: > Easier, and saner to just plain drop the subdomain notion. Avoids the > whole gentoo personel first class/second class issue first of all, > second avoids infra aliasing annoyances. I agree with this. -- Corey Shields Gen

Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
cause it surprised you. there is a big misunderstanding here.. Nobody is disputing access to the tree. We all knew about that from the original GLEP. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] implementation details for GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
. I'll check on Monday if there is a possible way to go from Gentoo Paypal to OSL Foundation. We can whip out a proposal if that works out. (there are other ways of doing it, yes, but this would be cheapest I know of right now) -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Ge

Re: [gentoo-dev] implementation details for GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Corey Shields
e new dev will be a dual xeon 3.0/1M, 2GB ram, 6x146GB U320 scsi. adding more ram to this setup wouldn't be a problem. I'll cc them and ask how much ram hits the sweet spot and get a new quote this week. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Boa

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: implementation details for GLEP 41

2005-11-20 Thread Corey Shields
usable. > > Is RAID6 production ready? If you are running HP equipment they have been doing it for years, calling it RAID ADG (advanced data guarding iirc). I've setup all of my servers as RAID ADG plus a hot spare to compensate for their disk failure rate. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo

Re: [gentoo-dev] opinion on how to improve the website redesign

2005-11-21 Thread Corey Shields
vote was for a website redesign, not a logo redesign. I agree that the infinity sign should go. No other "Gentoo" text on that page has the sign, so it looks out of place and inconsistent to have it in one spot. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundatio

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-04 Thread Corey Shields
On Wednesday 04 January 2006 21:39, Alec Warner wrote: > I think some people have attempted things that are interesting or > innovative, although they may not have gotten off of the ground quite > yet. I think for instance, that Stuart's webapp-config project is a > good idea, and while I also th

Re: [gentoo-dev] Policy on RESTRICT=[no]mirror and use of mirror://foo/

2005-05-05 Thread Corey Shields
se I have talked with them before about releasing "nomirror" wherever we can, and they didn't mind. If someone wants to put the "Official" stamp on the licensing/nomirror policy, that would be great. Just as important, I think we need to backtrack and clear out that

Re: [gentoo-dev] Policy on RESTRICT=[no]mirror and use of mirror://foo/

2005-05-05 Thread Corey Shields
nt.. "Fix 10 nomirror'ed ebuilds, then report to your mentor" ;) -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team and Devrel Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgpX5djK7iz6t.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Will Gentoo be at Linux World Expo San Fran?

2005-05-08 Thread Corey Shields
As long as we are invited to be in the .org pavilion, yes. Also in the works are plans for a day-long gentoo conference before or after LWE (probably after, the Friday of that week would be a good fit). Cheers, -Corey James Dio wrote: CORRECTION: quite tired really... I meant during AUGUST not t

[gentoo-dev] Gentoo Conference - Call for ideas

2005-05-23 Thread Corey Shields
The question I have is what kind of content would you like to see? This may turn into a call for participation later, but right now we are trying to get a feel for what topics people would be interested in hearing and talking about. Thanks for your input, -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Conference - Call for ideas

2005-05-24 Thread Corey Shields
On Tuesday 24 May 2005 10:25 am, Donnie Berkholz wrote: > * Improving the desktop "experience" -- how, what, when? You gonna be there to do this one? ;) Thanks for the input! -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team and Devrel Team Gentoo Foundation Board of

Re: [gentoo-dev] where goes Gentoo?

2005-06-06 Thread Corey Shields
On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 19:55 -0400, Aron Griffis wrote: > In my humble opinion, Gentoo is missing too many points to be an > enterprise Linux. We commit to a live tree. We don't have true QA, > testing or tinderbox. We don't have paid staff, alpha/beta/rc cycles. > We don't really have product li

Re: [gentoo-dev] where goes Gentoo?

2005-06-07 Thread Corey Shields
On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 11:08 -0400, Aron Griffis wrote: > Ah, sorry, that isn't quite what I meant. Rather I intended to point > out that we should not be deluded into thinking that the changes > required for Gentoo to be enterprise-ready are small. Some of the > changes are surmountable, but each

Re: [gentoo-dev] where goes Gentoo?

2005-06-07 Thread Corey Shields
On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 18:38 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote: > ...and you *still* haven't gotten an ia64 livecd built? For shame! He's getting close.. Just got some more hardware put into dolphin last week, and it has a spindle of blanks sitting right on top of it. so umm, yeah, that's a start

Re: [gentoo-dev] a #g-d first impression might represent process and metastructure

2005-06-08 Thread Corey Shields
e seems to be a lot of push to interface through bugzilla, the reasons are to be able to track stuff and get it done. I hate bugzilla as much as the next guy, but I think it helps to prevent a lot of frustration from requests getting lost. Cheers, -Corey -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastruc

[gentoo-dev] Gentoo Conference, August 12th in San Francisco

2005-06-27 Thread Corey Shields
t catch it live) so this should be good for everyone. See for details and to register. No need to register for the webcast, registration is just if you intend to be there in person. It is $10 to register. You get lunch and a t-shirt out of it, too. Cheers,

[gentoo-dev] LWE Exhibit badges courtesy of Gentoo

2005-07-29 Thread Corey Shields
orward to meeting many of you there! Cheers! -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgpEB6ALeNopL.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Gentoo conference webcast today

2005-08-12 Thread Corey Shields
-devconference Cheers, -Corey -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo conference webcast today

2005-08-12 Thread Corey Shields
s seem to be dead now :-( I'll be posting the archive urls when I get back from LWE. Cheers, -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Devconference archives

2005-08-14 Thread Corey Shields
f it is offensive to people to do it in real, we will skip the webcasting next time. -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] LWE pics

2005-08-17 Thread Corey Shields
If anyone has any pictures of the Gentoo booth from LWE last week, please send them my way. Thanks! -Corey -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgpTwlsfGGicJ.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Council meeting, Thursday 15th, 1900 UTC

2005-09-13 Thread Corey Shields
s > go through devrel first. that's always been policy, but yeah wouldn't hurt to put it in print somewhere.. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees -- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Getting Important Updates To Users

2005-10-31 Thread Corey Shields
en they installed it. Are they going to want to have to read a web site on -every- upgrade? no. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees pgprK1xy5CWcT.pgp Description: PGP signature