> Perhaps they refer to .zip instead of .tar.gz which as mentioned is
> a less stable format due to the inclusion of the timezone.
Nope. I myself also faced tarballs checksum difference (even between few
GH support answered me (in TL;DR version) "that's because we've upgraded git
on *so
Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov wrote:
> GH support answered me (in TL;DR version) "that's because we've upgraded git
> on *some* of our nodes" (means, some other using older git)
That would still require that the "git archive" output would have
changed in some recent git versions. And at least betwe
My past jobs have worn me out, which combined with upstream work, caused
me to become minimally active for some time. I am in the middle of some
changes to my life that will likely change that, but I don't use most of
the packages that I maintain anymore and they have gotten very little
attention s
On 03/15/2018 07:20 PM, Martin Vaeth wrote:
> Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov wrote:
>> GH support answered me (in TL;DR version) "that's because we've upgraded git
>> on *some* of our nodes" (means, some other using older git)
> That would still require that the "git archive" output would have