This is your one-day friendly reminder ! The monthly Gentoo Council
meeting is tomorrow in #gentoo-council on See the
channel topic for the exact time (but it's probably 2000 UTC).
If you're supposed to show up, please show up. If you're not supposed
to show up, then show up a
I need a Gentoo developer to apply some loving care to echangelog. There
have been several requests to add git and subversion support to
echangelog and the basics are already in place. However, it has bugs
and since I don't have the setup to test that support, I have not done a
good job at g
See bug:
Christian Hartmann
--Breaking Gentoo since 2003--
-- mailing list
Hi all,
I'm sure I'll find some sabayon-hater here, but my purpose won't be
answering to them.
I offer my help to fix DEPEND/RDEPEND split issues which is causing me
a lot of headaches (along with localizations).
For reference, please have a look here:
After h
On 17:55 Wed 12 Mar , Justin Bronder (jsbronder) wrote:
> 1.1 sys-cluster/torque/torque-2.3.0.ebuild
> file :
> plain:
Fabio Erculiani wrote:
I offer my help to fix DEPEND/RDEPEND split issues which is causing me
a lot of headaches (along with localizations).
For reference, please have a look here:
"The name [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a valid username. Either you
Hi Jan,
I'm registered with lxnay lxnaydesign net.
I know what you mean, but take into account I don't have much time
left for the reporting. What I ask is either build a communication
channel or getting me able to fix stuff, obviously after having
contacted the respective maintainers and talked
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:57:29AM +0100, Fabio Erculiani wrote:
> So, to sum up, if we can build a better communication way it could be
> useful for both sides.
- "Most of the Gentoo ebuilds don't have the two lists split"
I'd certainly welcome hearing about any supposed DEPEND/RDEPEND issues
in m
On 3/12/08, Robin H. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:57:29AM +0100, Fabio Erculiani wrote:
> > So, to sum up, if we can build a better communication way it could be
> > useful for both sides.
I'm going to steal robin's issue summary ;)
> - "Most of the Gentoo e