Carsten Lohrke wrote:
>> KDE 3.5.2: 1.5 months (I know our devs get prereleases, so we had this
>> time)
> Still open issues, some upstream, some Gentoo related. Also the KDE team
> lost members the last months and is unfortunately not that active since a
> while. All the whining leaves me with
Caleb Tennis wrote:
> Get involved. It's the only way you will truly understand the magnitude
> of a project like Gentoo. KDE is a very small slice of the whole thing,
> and yet it still requires a LOT of time. We're always looking for help.
> If you need a place to start, pick out a bug report
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Bart Braem wrote:
>> Xorg 7: 5 months
> Can't stabilize till portage 2.1 is stable. Doesn't matter how many open
> bugs we've got, or how well it works.
Thanks for the explanation. Not that I really like it but I understand
Michael Kirkland wrote:
> I think the problem is that Gentoo is falling into the same sandtrap the
> Debian project has been mired in forever. "arch" and "~arch" are
> polarizing into "stable, but horribly out of date", and "maybe it will
> work".
> This leads to people trying to maintain a
> f
(sorry if you receive this mail twice, my subscription was not ok)
Philip Webb wrote:
> 060404 Caleb Tennis wrote:
>> historically we were much more bleeding edge with our stable KDE
>> versions, but if you've spent any significant time playing with 3.5.0 or
>> 3.5.1, you would agree that they ar