nts and most of russian speaking people says what this
font is the best font for cyrilic charsets.
I am don't see any issues in fonts for me.
So fonts, font config and related stuff is what has to be fixed first.
WBR, Alexander Simonov (DEVL-UANIC)
Ukrainian Gentoo Community Coord
lient have 5.0 for example, but others client have 4.1 as
default. I think it's have reason.
WBR, Alexander Simonov (DEVL-UANIC)
Ukrainian Gentoo Community Coordinator
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
to be CDs or CD images, but I've never used
> it personally and haven't chanced to see that specifically stated in
> threads such as this that I've come across, so can't say for sure.
WBR, Alexander Simonov
Ukrainian Gentoo Community Coordinator
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
an aspiration, not a
> commitment.
> To keep up to date with the latest news on this work, follow my blog
> postings [5]. The best way to provide feedback is to pop into
> #gentoo-apache on irc.freenode.org.
You are greate man
WBR, Alexander Simonov
Ukrainian Gentoo Community Coordinator
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
> > the 4.1.x series shouldn't be painful right?
> >
It's all grate! But how about mysql 5 ?
And wath about spliting mysq into mysql-server and mysql-client how it do
like in FreeBSD.
WBR, Alexander Simonov (AS1199-UANIC | DEVL-UANIC)
Ukrainian Gentoo Commu