The attached list notes all of the packages that were added or removed
from the tree, for the week ending 2018-10-14 23:59 UTC.
dev-lang/solidity 20181012-16:14 mgorny 7b4400d4ac9
dev-python/pydocstyle 20181014-11:57 zmedicoef265794595
> I've always considered the entry barrier to become a dev too much work for
> keeping a small involvement. I might just be lazy or not interested enough
> I agree. Still I must not be the only one. I might also just have a wrong
> impression of what's needed.
Well, in the end the quizzes mostly r
On 13/10/2018 11:28, Michał Górny wrote:
> Two cases are unclear:
> media-video/libav: Use the external opus library for encoding and
> decoding.
> virtual/ffmpeg: Use the external opus library for encoding and
> decoding.
They should be renamed libopus I'm afraid
On 13/10/2018 15.31, Tomas Mozes wrote:
> You can review the PRs and try to remove common errors before the devs
> check it. Then they don't have to correct the same mistakes again. I don't
> mean you do the corrections, you just suggest them to the PR authors so
> they probably won't repeat them a