Description: Digital signature
There is also https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/ if needed
Description: Digital signature
New stages have numerous news items listed that are likely not relevant,
but are shown due to limitations in the filtering in NEWS items. E.g. on a
recent stage3:
nspawntest / # eselect news list
News items:
[1] N 2013-09-27 Separate /usr on Linux requires initramfs
[2] N 2014
Hi, everyone.
Due to the last member retiring, the libbash project [1] is now up for
grabs. However, given that the project is dead for a very long time now
I don't really think there's a point in keeping it alive.
If nobody joins in 14 days, I'll remove the project and move the links
from it int
The following packages are up for grabs:
Best regards,
Amy Liffey
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Remove the redirect_alloc_fd function that is no longer used since
the removal of multijob* functions. The function is complex, has little
potential use and an equivalent functionality is built-in in newer bash
versions, making it completely unnecessary for EAPI 6.
Remove the bashpid function that is not used anywhere after the removal
of multijob* logic. The unprefixed name can be quite confusing,
and the function itself is rather unlikely to be useful.
eclass/multiprocessing.eclass | 17 -
1 file changed, 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e
Remove the multijob functions that were used to run bash code
in parallel. The code was very complex, fragile and unmaintained. It has
been used scarcely, and pretty much by a single developer. It gave very
little gain, usually at the cost of losing readability and violating
Closes: https://b
The only functions needed from the eutils.eclass are eshopts_push and
eshopts_pop, which have been split off to estack.eclass.
See also commit 401ef96525d8c21c33bdd6e88e475e09f3a42717
(in historical.git) which added the eutils inherit.
eclass/versionator.eclass | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 ins