-backup/zbackup 20170224-07:32 gokturk 29f1455481e
app-crypt/cfssl20170331-00:23 mrueg252aad347a9
app-crypt/yubikey-manager 20170402-05:44 gokturk 06c817d3f3a
app-text/jo20170330-12:46 jer 251ad0a696f
so one big swath of EAPI 0 ebuilds sits in app-xemacs/. The current
eclass, xemacs-packages.eclass is from days gone by and does little in
terms of modern eclass/ebuild best-practices. I have rewritten it, and
with it will port all ebuilds to it and EAPI 6 (which can be automated,
due to the re