On Thu, 29 Sep 2016 23:56:34 +0200
Andy Mender wrote:
> I believe the main problem comes from /bin/bash and potential symlinks that
> would need to be introduced as part of the slotting.
In a pinch you could probably get away with
calling :1 /usr/bin/bash-4.4 instead of /usr/bin/bash, and then
Yes, I also wouldn't want to sacrifice something as relevant as the default
Shell interpreter.
I quickly checked other GNU/Linux distributions and even on Arch Linux Bash
4.3 seems to be the newest stable version.
Would it be OK to have the real stable version (now, Bash 4.3) as slot :0
and a sing
On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 23:08:52 +0200
Michał Górny wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to introduce a new USE_EXPAND for LLVM & clang. It'd be named
> LLVM_TARGETS, and it's going to replace the current solution based on
> USE=multitarget & VIDEO_CARDS=radeon.
> In the old system, the following rules appl