> == Issue Tracking ==
> Please help us setup a JIRA instance for both issue tracking and code
> review.
> == Other Resources ==
> * a wiki (for the sites pages) (
> or a wik
I am a member and a mentor of wave, so please add me on the IPMC
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:
2009/12/14 Noel J. Bergman :
> The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
> attention at this time.
> There was some discussion regarding publishing of docs to the site, and
> whether docs for an intermediate state are or are not to be treated the same
> as a code relea
Hi folks
FYI, the Shindig community has successfully voted for graduation [1].
If no objection on the charter or other, I will start a formal
acceptance vote soon.
peterson at apache dot org)
* Louis Ryan (lryan at apache dot org)
* Henning Schmiedehausen (henning at apache dot org)
* Vincent Siveton (vsiveton at apache dot org)
* Upayavira (upayavira at apache dot org)
* Adam Winer (awiner at apache dot org)
Dan Peterson
Glen Daniels
Kevin Brown
Malcolm Edgar
Vincent Siveton
There were no special remarks regarding the board resolution draft,
except that Santiago want to be part on the PMC.
Next step: I will send the proposed resolution to the board for approval.
Thank you for all the support
We have just received confirmation that the Board has established
Apache Shindig as a TLP.
On behalf of the Shindig team, I would like to thank the Incubator
PMC, and everybody that supported Shindig during its incubation.
Special thanks to our mentors, especially Upayavira, for their
@Dan if you need one more mentor, you could count me in.
2010/11/23 Dan Peterson :
> Hello all,
> We'd like to propose Wave for entry into the ASF incubator.
> The draft proposal is available at:
> (for your convenience, a snapshot i
+1 too
2007/12/1, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> +1
> On Nov 29, 2007 1:59 AM, Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This vote will run until Monday, Dec. 3, 2007.
> >
> > [ ] +1 Accept Shindig for incubation
> > [ ] 0 Don't care
> > [ ] -1 Reject for the following
Like other Apache projects, you need to subscribe by sending a mail to
2008/1/7, east <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Apche community:
> I want to join the maillist!
> Thanks for your help!
> Best Regards,
> Sincerely Yang
> -
2008/1/5, Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks to everyone who made contributions to this proposal and special
> thanks to Niclas and Aaron for stepping up as mentors. The project is
> documented here:
> Please vote on accepting Blu
BTW agree with Matthieu's comment
2008/1/15, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> +1, didn't spot anything more than what's already mentioned and I don't
> think this should block the release.
> Cheers,
> Matthieu
> On Jan 15, 2008 12:53 PM, Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTEC
Definitely +1
2008/2/1, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Incubator PMC,
> Please vote on accepting the PDFBox project for incubation. The full
> PDFBox proposal is available at the end of this message and as a wiki
> page at We ask th
+1 too
2008/11/1 David Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Greg Reddin wrote:
>> David Crossley wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > .^
>> >
>> > Is there some documentation that led you astray
>> > or just a slip?
>> I
IMHO Open* means more a GNU project, think about openjdk, open solaris
2008/12/23, Jean-Baptiste Onofré :
> Agree :)
> I'm OK with OpenDeploy. I'm waiting for the name to change the package
> naming to org.apache.opendeploy
> or org.apache.maestro in place of
more steps we need to take?
> Evan
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Vincent Siveton
> wrote:
>> Sounds like related to SHINDIG-623. Since it is already an ASL code, I
>> think you could just provide a patch in Jira and check the radio box
>> to grant licen
Joining the Apache community is great news, gives more visibility to
the SocialSite community and ... lets an opportunity to the project to
not simply die.
Worthwhile initiative, thanks Dave!
As Shindig PMC, I am specially interested on the Shindig parts :)
Could you please comment:
* "Project Soc
2009/4/21 Dave :
> I think we've had ample time for feedback on this proposal.
> I'd like to call for a vote on Apache SocialsSite, to be sponsored by
> the Incubator PMC.
> - Dave
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Dave wrote:
>> Greetings to all,
>> It's my pleasure to p
Please review and vote on approving the first release of Apache
Shindig version 1.0-incubating.
Apache Incubator Shindig is a JavaScript container and implementations
of the backend APIs and proxy required for hosting OpenSocial
Vote thread:
Hi Sebb,
2009/4/26 sebb :
> Why are there two binary release directories?
My provider changed my IP during the release process, but no maven errors.
> The 017 one only seems to have one archive (.bz2) in it, the rest of
> the files are hashes or signatures (and even some hashes of sigs,
> which
2009/4/26 sebb :
> The RAT report on SVN reports 476 files with unknown licences.
> Some of these may be test files (though even these should have AL if
> poss), but there seem to be quite a few files that should have the AL
> header, e.g. pom.xml etc.
Ok I saw the pom.xml in features and some js
Hi Brian,
2009/4/26 BRIAN FOX :
>> Why are there two binary release directories?
>> The 017 one only seems to have one archive (.bz2) in it, the rest of
>> the files are hashes or signatures (and even some hashes of sigs,
>> which could be safely deleted, as they serve no purpose)
> Vin
2009/4/26 Henning Schmiedehausen :
> Sorry, to bother you here, but I don't believe, that you have a choice.
We provided both java and php source code.
Java artifacts are given via the Maven repo as usual, ie [1]
For PHP, according Chris [2], the binary is the source and visa versa.
Is it more c
2009/4/26 Jukka Zitting :
> Hi,
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Vincent Siveton
> wrote:
>> We provided both java and php source code.
>> Java artifacts are given via the Maven repo as usual, ie [1]
>> [...]
>> [1]
2009/4/26 sebb :
> On 26/04/2009, Vincent Siveton wrote:
>> 2009/4/26 Henning Schmiedehausen :
>> > Sorry, to bother you here, but I don't believe, that you have a choice.
>> We provided both java and php source code.
2009/4/26 Jukka Zitting :
> Hi,
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Vincent Siveton
> wrote:
>> 2009/4/26 Jukka Zitting :
>>> How do I build this to produce the binaries you've deployed?
>> mvn install -Prelease
> I can't, as ther
2009/4/26 sebb :
> I think there are some problems with the archives.
> The *java* archive contains a .war file which has 42 jars in the
> WEB-INF/lib directory.
> Some 17 or so of these are ASF files, but the rest are 3rd party files.
> None of the 3rd party files are mentioned in the META-INF
Hi Sebb,
First thanks to take care of this release!
2009/5/11, sebb :
> On 11/05/2009, Ian Boston wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Please review and vote on approving the first release of Apache
> > Shindig version 1.0-incubating.
> > Apache Incubator Shindig is a JavaScript container and implemen
2009/5/12 sebb :
>> I was reliably informed that this was discussed on the Maven list in March
>> 2008 (subject: legal-discuss) and for binary distributions that are created
>> by the war packager that contained 3rd party libraries the DEPENDENCIES file
>> was sufficient to comply with ASF rules.
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