My Wiki username is SzeTszWo. Could you add me to the ContributorsGroup?
Thanks a lot!
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 8:04 PM, Nick Burch
On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Tsz Wo Sze wrote:
> My Wiki username is SzeTszWo. Could you add me to the
> ContributorsGroup? Thanks.
Karma granted, happy editing!
The Apache Ratis community has voted and approved the proposal to
release Apache Ratis incubating Release 0.1.0-alpha rc0. We now
kindly request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this
source-only incubator release.
Apache Ratis is an open source java implementation for RAF
With three binding +1's, two non-binding +1's and no -1's, the VOTE passed.
Binding +1's: Josh, Jakob and Jitendra
Non-binding +1's: Hugo and me
Thanks everyone for the support!
On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Tsz Wo Sze wrote:
> Hi IPMC,
> The Ap
The release VOTE has been passed in both the Podling dev list [1] and
the Incubator's general list [2] for Apache Ratis. I also have copied
the RC to dist/release so that it is available at [3].
My questions are:
(q1) Our release is a source release, could we distribute binaries
through othe
The Apache Ratis community has voted and approved the proposal to
release Apache Ratis incubating Release 0.3.0 rc2. We now kindly
request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this
source-only incubator release.
Apache Ratis is an open source Java implementation for RAFT cons
With 3 binding +1's and 2 non-binding +1's the vote has passed.
Thanks everyone for voting!
On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 1:37 PM Tsz Wo Sze wrote:
> Hi IPMC,
> The Apache Ratis community has voted and approved the proposal to
> release Apache Ratis incubating R
improvements and 72 bug fixes. See the
complete change list between 0.2.0 and 0.3.0 releases:
Tsz-Wo Sze
on behalf of Apache Ratis PPMC
Apache Ratis (incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at The
nix, rya]
> * Lokesh Jain [Hadoop, Ozone PMC, Incubator
> Committer]
> * Marton Elek[Hadoop, Ozone PMC, Incubator
> Committer]
> * Mingliang Liu [Hadoop PMC, Incubator
> Committer]
> * Mukul Kumar Singh [Hadoop, Ozone PMC, Incubator