We will be updating the Podling status for Pinot. Please provide write access
to the wiki so that we can post the status on time.
Use name: SubbuSubramaniam
I mistyped the 'genera' address, so here is the request again. thanks
Please provide update/write access to the podling status wiki pages for
user name SubbuSubramaniam so that we can put out the status in time
starting January 2019. I have already created a wiki account with the u
number of
votes are reached.
Please vote accordingly,
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
-Subbu Subramaniam
(on behalf of Apache Pinot (incubating) team)
Thank you for everyone who participated to the vote. The voting is now
closed and it has passed with four +1 (binding), and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 Felix Cheung
+1 Olivier Lamy
+1 Jean-Baptiste Onotre (binding)
+1 Kishore Gopalakrishna
Voting thread:
Hello community,
We are pleased to announce that Apache Pinot (incubating) 0.2.0 is released!
Apache Pinot (incubating) is a distributed columnar storage engine that can
ingest data in realtime and serve analytical queries at low latency.
The release can be downloaded at: https://pinot.apache.or