, Sergey Sokolov, Sheng
Zha, Shen Zhu, Sheng-Ying, Shuai Zheng, slitsey, Simon, Sina Afrooze, Soji
Adeshina, solin319, Soonhwan-Kwon, starimpact, Steffen Rochel, Taliesin
Beynon, Tao Lv, Thom Lane, Thomas Delteil, Tianqi Chen, Todd Sundsted, Tong
He, Vandana Kannan, vdantu, Vishaal Kapoor, wangzhe
Krishnamurthy, Sebastian Bodenstein, Sergey Kolychev, Sergey Sokolov, Sheng
Zha, Shen Zhu, Sheng-Ying, Shuai Zheng, slitsey, Simon, Sina Afrooze, Soji
Adeshina, solin319, Soonhwan-Kwon, starimpact, Steffen Rochel, Taliesin
Beynon, Tao Lv, Thom Lane, Thomas Delteil, Tianqi Chen, Todd Sundsted, T
Hi Luciano,
Thank you for the helpful feedback. As a PPMC member of Apache MXNet, I'd like
to resolve this issue once for all. One thing that we can benefit from your
help is narrowing down what file types are acceptable to be in whitelist.
I started a pull-request for this purpose [1] (and thr
On 2019/02/13 03:49:49, Sheng Zha wrote:
> Hi Luciano,
> Thank you for the helpful feedback. As a PPMC member of Apache MXNet, I'd
> like to resolve this issue once for all. One thing that we can bene
and a basis for stopping a release? Many
people put in hard work to make it happen so I hope to bring good answers
to them.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 8:27 PM Vinayakumar B
> Hi Sheng Zha,
> Check example from Hadoop's documentation.
> https://raw.githubusercontent.co
And thanks to mentors and IPMC members for helping our release. NOTICE year
was caught in dev@ vote too. Master branch already has the fix [1] and we
promise to fix it in the next release.
+1 (non-binding)
On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 8:44 PM Markus Weimer wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> we've discussed the proposal for the TVM project in [1]. The proposal
> itself can
> be found on the wiki [2].
> According to the Incubator rules[3] I'd like to call a vote to accept the
> new
> TVM p
Hi Justin,
Sorry, I mixed up the deadline for submitting the report and didn't finish it
in time. We (MXNet) will report next month.
Best regards,
On 2019/04/07 01:30:27, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,.
> The projects Milagro and MXNet failed to report and will be asked to report
> next
May I be granted write access to the Incubator wiki? I'd like to post the
podling report on behalf of MXNet PPMC.
My wiki username is ShengZha. Thanks.
Best regards,
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incub
+1 (non-binding). I did the following checks:
-[Y] Are release files in correct location?
-[Y] Do release files have the word incubating in their name?
-[Y] Are the digital signature and hashes correct?
-[Y] Does DISCLAIMER file exist?
-[Y] Do LICENSE and NOTICE files exists?
-[Y] Is the LICENSE a
As of now we still need one more binding vote for this release to pass. We'd
appreciate it very much if people w/ binding votes on this list could help out.
On 2019/05/07 05:51:09, Junru Shao wrote:
> Dear community,
> This is a gentle remainder that our vote for releasing Apac
> intgemm/*
> mkldnn/*
> nvidia_cub/*
> onnx-tensorrt/*
> openmp/*
> This was not an exhaustive sample.
> Regards,
> Dave
> > On Nov 16, 2020, at 12:56 PM, Sheng Zha wrote:
> >
> > Hi Dave,
> >
> > Thank you very much fo
Update: per comment from Sam, the rat-excludes allowlist is moved to top-level
in MXNet repo for discoverability.
On 2021/01/13 02:02:16, Sheng Zha wrote:
> Hi,
> Following up on the difficulty of auditing licenses for files in MXNet, I
> opened a pull request t
Bumping this thread up. Thanks to those who helped with the vote.
So far, our 1.8 vote has received 2 binding votes from general@, one
from Justin and one from our new mentor Furkan. Since this vote has
been open for a month, I wonder if there's any suggestion from people
on the list on how we can
Thanks for the votes. We appreciate the help from the community. This vote is
now only one binding vote short from passing.
For the notice dates for TVM, since we haven't updated the TVM dependency in
2021 yet, the version of TVM's notice we included still says 2020. In this
case, should we sti
Dear IPMC members,
MXNet is in need for your help. We would like to request for more active
mentors to accompany us on the last segment of the journey in the Incubator
towards graduation. If you are interested in helping us keep deep learning
accessible, please reach out to us at priv...@mxnet.
Thank you for offering help, Zhenxu and Atri! MXNet PPMC will discuss and
decide on the next steps.
On 2021/04/22 20:05:58, Sheng Zha wrote:
> Dear IPMC members,
> MXNet is in need for your help. We would like to request for more active
> mentors to accompany us on the last se
Hi Justin,
Thanks for helping us check. We will do a full review of the licenses of files
(and hopefully find ways for automation for them too). Since we did
specifically look at some of the files that were mentioned to have issues when
preparing rc7, I think that we must have been operating un
Thanks, Sebb. The correct KEYS file link should be
https://downloads.apache.org/incubator/mxnet/KEYS, which comes from
the release repo in dist.apache.org. @Serge let's restart the vote on
general@ with the correct KEYS link.
By the way, the KEYS file on release repo looks to be old and to have
see it on the release checklist, I just want to be sure we
capture the right requirements.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 10:53 AM sebb wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 15:00, Sheng Zha wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, Sebb. The correct KEYS file link should be
> > https://downloads.apache.
Perfect. I changed my PRs to remove the KEYS in github and updated the
cwiki accordingly. Thanks.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 11:32 AM sebb wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 16:18, Sheng Zha wrote:
> >
> > > As such, it's best to have only a single KEYS file, wh
ACK, MXNet PPMC will devise a fix within the timeframe.
On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 10:19 AM kezhenxu94@apache
> Hi the PPMC of
> - Linkis
> - Doris
> - Shenyu
> - MXNet
> (And maybe more...)
> I notice that your website violates the best practice of “thanks pages” /
+1 (non-binding) carrying my vote from dev@ [1]
[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/zz0bcp3p8lxlw6jpdc6167v7bwc7d8xm
On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 11:06 PM Serge Panev wrote:
> Dear community,
> This is a call for a releasing Apache MXNet (incubating) 1.9.0, release
> candidate 8.
> Apache MXNet
Removed mxnet old releases. We are maintaining both 1.x and 2.x
versions and thus I left the latest 1.9.0 and 2.0.0 releases intact.
On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 1:51 PM sebb wrote:
> Several podlings have multiple releases under the dist/release area.
> Old versions should please be
Hi Justin,
Thanks for pointing it out. It was not intentional as Joe is a trusted
member of the community who's willing to commit time to help get MXNet
through the graduation process. While I hope it's clear from this
thread with PPMC members' supportive replies that we the PPMC fully
trust Joe f
> > > Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
> > >
> > > projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache MXNet Project;
> > >
> > > and be it further
> > >
> > > RESOLVED, that the pers
Dear IPMC members,
It would be great if you could help with the vote. Thank you.
On 2019/07/10 09:33:34, Lai Wei wrote:
> Dear community,
> This is a call for a releasing Apache MXNet (incubating) 1.5.0, release
> candidate 2.
> Apache MXNet (incubating) community has voted and appro
These licenses are for using MKL (the full release) as BLAS library. This
functionality is optional and is not enabled by default. MKL is not shipped in
source code.
On 2019/07/15 22:39:14, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just taking at look at the release and noticed the LICENSE fi
Dear IPMC members,
Thank you for all the help in spotting the license issues. Given that they are
relatively minor we would like to address them in the next release.
Since there is no longer any blocker, it would be great if you could continue
to vote on this release. We still need one more vot
Hi Justin and incubator,
Thank you for the feedback.
1. We fully intend to address the licensing issues in releases and software
distributions as part of our efforts towards graduation.
2. To my knowledge, there was no intention from this PPMC to bypass the
software release policy.
To clarify o
Thanks for the reply. Besides the clarification below, we will track and
address here [1] the rest of the comments in this thread.
> > - We will introduce source releases on PyPI and Maven using apache-mxnet
> > name to provide users with the option to have Apache distribution and
> > users
Hi Justin,
Here's an update on the progress of addressing the license issues:
- Add disclaimer to repo.mxnet.io and dist.mxnet.io to clarify that the
nightly releases there are not intended for public consumption. (changed.
pending cache refresh)
- Remove non-Apache releases in github relea
Hi Justin,
Thanks for starting the discussion and for putting together the draft.
Having a guideline on distributions should definitely be helpful. This is
very relevant to the distribution issues we are addressing in MXNet so I
will take a close look and try to contribute.
I have a question rega
Hi Justin,
When examining these clauses in the context of distribution in our project
(MXNet), I had a few questions to clarify. In the release guideline, there are
the following statements:
> Convenience binaries need to follow licensing policy and not include any
> category X licensed softwar
Hi Justin,
While I appreciate your efforts in putting together the guidelines, your reply
seems to indicate
that this guideline is not making new rules, which is apparently false.
Specifically, you wrote:
> Nothing as far as I can see is added only clarified and put into context for
> differen
> > Personally, I believe that interpretation is still making new rules.
> Please point to one of these new rules.
Again, in my opinion, the act of interpretation of existing rules in a new
context is making new rules. Thus, all the rules in the guidelines are new
> > As a podling PPMC
> So what would you suggest as an alternative?
As I've been consistently suggesting in the discussion thread and in this
thread, I hope that ASF could move forward together on the distribution
guidelines, and the consensus should bind all projects, TLP and podlings alike.
Taking the shortcut fo
> Put it this way without that guidance some podlings will come to graduation,
> and it will not be granted as they are not complying with ASF policy. Or we
> have the situation when the board points out to the Incubator that a podling
> is not following ASF policy. Or podlings may leave the Inc
Hi Justin,
Thanks for voting. Here are some clarifications:
For mshadow, it is a third-party component that MXNet has been relying on
since the initial contribution to MXNet. It has been included in previous
releases since its category-A license allows us to do so. For this release,
we are still r
Hi Justin,
> It’s not seperate as you release candidates being distributed to users. I
still want to know why release candidates are being released in this way,
in particular by companies where there are MXnet PPMC members. What steps
will the PPMC will take to stop this from happening in the futu
Hi all,
Apache MXNet received a donation, MShadow [1], which assimilates this previous
3rdparty dependency into MXNet code base.
The IP clearance form can be found at
Secretary has confirmed that SGA is received [2]. Committers of thi
Hi all,
As the 72-hour vote window has passed without -1 on the lazy vote of MXNet
MShadow IP clearance [1], the IP clearance has passed successfully.
Since the IP clearance for MShadow has passed [1] and third-party release
issues are either resolved or tracked in INCUBATOR-253, let's resume this
Here's my +1 carried from vote on dev@ [2].
ckage as # [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 do not
> release this package because...
> Best regards,
> Ciyong Chen
> -Original Message-
> From: Sheng Zha
> Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 3:36 AM
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apac
Hi Justin,
Since the blocking issue has been resolved, would you mind changing your vote?
On 2020/07/26 01:27:39, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
> -1 (binding) as this release contains code that hasn’t gone though IP
> clearance (mshadow).
> I checked:
> - incubatin
+1. Apache is an inclusive community and the individual projects decide what
contribution counts as merit in the community. In the case of triaging and
project management, it's a very time consuming task and IMO more projects than
just us MXNet would welcome helping hands in that area. Now that
+1 carrying my vote from dev.
On 2020/10/13 05:40:32, "Skalicky, Sam" wrote:
> Dear community,
> This is a call for a releasing Apache MXNet (incubating) 1.8.0, release
> candidate 1.
> Apache MXNet (incubating) community has voted and approved the release.
> Vote thread:
> https://lis
Hi Justin,
Thanks for the vote. It looks like we forgot to remove the mentions of the
resolved issues in the DISCLAIMER-WIP. Checking the linked issues, all of them
have been resolved in 1.8. Is this still a blocking issue if the actual issues
that the DISCLAIMER-WIP links to are addressed?
Hi Justin,
I reviewed the open items in INCUBATOR-253 and didn't find issue that impacts
source code release. Let me know if you feel differently on any of those items.
On 2020/10/21 22:38:50, Justin Mclean wrote:
> HI,
> Is there anything from the known issues in [1] that nee
Thanks, Justin. After removing stale issues and adding the statement on GPU
license, assuming we address any other license issue in the next rc, should we
name it as simply DISCLAIMER instead of DISCLAIMER-WIP? I thought it should be
the case and just want to confirm.
On 2020/10/21
Thanks for bringing this up. We are doing a thorough review of the licenses for
all files in the source [1] and will finish that first before rc2.
[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/19427
On 2020/10/21 22:23:20, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
> Re the license
Carrying my +1 vote from dev@. Thanks to everyone who manually reviewed
third-party licenses.
On 2020/11/02 05:01:58, "Skalicky, Sam" wrote:
> Dear community,
> This is a call for a releasing Apache MXNet (incubating) 1.8.0, release
> candidate 2.
> Apache MXNet (incubating) communi
Hi Dave,
Thank you very much for the help and support. In MXNet we do use Apache Rat as
part of our CI, and it's run on every pull request [1]. When executing license
check, we excluded some file types (e.g. intermediate outputs from builds, lock
files, etc.), and some third-party modules that
We at MXNet are looking for a volunteer from Apache to share about
the Apache Way at our upcoming "Apache MXNet Day" on 12/14.
This would be very helpful for our community to raise awareness
on building the community to be healthy and self-sustaining.
If you are willing to help out, it would
he Way presso for this year's Apache @
> Home and I'm sure I could reprise it. What's the time frame on the 14th?
> On 11/30/2020 11:00 AM, Sheng Zha wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We at MXNet are looking for a volunteer from Apache to share about
> > the
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Most of the issues from
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 1/7/21, 3:5
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Dear IPMC,
After reviewing the
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Acknowledged. We have been tracking
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Yes, I'm aware and I am upda
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
# Source and convenance binary rele
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
2. Website giving access to download
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 6/21/20, 3:1
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
9. Trademark and branding issues with
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
7. Docker releases containing Catego
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
12. Releases and other nightly build
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
> I would be of the opinion that
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
> Anyone including PPMC members (w
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 6/23/20, 12:0
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
> Justin: 3rd party distribution al
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 6/24/20, 8:2
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
By the way, I have of course read
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Here's an update on the progre
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Justin, why did you delete my com
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 6/29/20, 11:2
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
[~jmclean] you added some notes to it
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
I added an update in the legal/tradem
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
h3. Summary
The PPMC continues to
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 8/9/20, 2:0
Sheng Zha commented on INCUBATOR-253:
Summary (WIP)
The PPMC continues to
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 9/15/20, 9:3
Sheng Zha edited comment on INCUBATOR-253 at 9/15/20, 9:3
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