Berin Lautenbach wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
I'm under the weather, and a little irritable, but this is starting to
get under my skin.
I am trying to follow
I have asked for this to be updated.
I have asked for information on how I can update this.
#x27;m under the weather, and a little irritable, but this is starting to
get under my skin.
I am trying to follow
I have asked for this to be updated.
I have asked for information on how I can update this.
These questions have gone unanswered.
- Sam Ruby
couple weeks ago, but it wasn't fixed.
- Sam Ruby
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If/when forrestbot or other means is installed, let me know and I'll
remove this from the list.
- Sam Ruby
Berin Lautenbach wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Can I ask that you document the process of updating the site?
Looks like it's already there, but not very obvious. I will add to the
side-bar, but in the interim :
Thank you! That is more than suffi
ite is updated
#2: A mechanism for submitting patches for those who can't be bothered.
Personally, I would recommend that effort be focused on an issue
tracking system.
If people are willing to put forward concrete proposals and put them
forward for a vote, I am quite willing to do my share of the
ng it
forward for a vote?
- Sam Ruby
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, perhaps also in the root
directory of the associated CVS trees, and a process which prevents any
official "release" to be created by projects in incubation should be
more than sufficient.
- Sam Ruby
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Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 19:00:57 -0400
"Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Judging from the move we made with james, CVS was easy. ezmlm a bit
involved, but our users seemed to find us easily enou
lphas, Betas, nightly builds, etc., I have no problem with.
Finally, the podling needs to display the incubator logo on its
back to my corner!
- Leo
- Sam
ends up with giving people who have
the right to vote the right to commit. After all, if we trust them
enough to vote, we should trust them enough to NOT commit changes that
they are not qualified to make.
- Sam Ruby
P.S. Can somebody explain to me why a number of core members of the
HTTPD commu
assume to
have a lower bar.
However I'd also advise you seriously to consider, or, simply because I believe that they may be
a more appropriate home.
Things involving a software grant need to involve the incubator. This
is not a destination
d. A much better approach would be:
1) Have the incubator PMC identify a clear set of constraints that apply
to *all* names. Vote on them, document them, and move on.
2) Identify the PPMC who gets to name this project - and hold them
accountable for their decision.
- Sam
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
1) Have the incubator PMC identify a clear set of constraints that
apply to *all* names. Vote on them, document them, and move on.
Right. What is our policy?
ATM here is our rule:
Make sure that the requested project name does not already
oes a long
way towards addressing this.
Put in tangible terms, I would much prefer to see a incubator puruse a
vote of [no] confidence in the Geronimo PPC than to have the incubator
continue to debate the name of the project.
ters may come online as a part of the
donation, but that is standard operating procedure for PMCs. As is the
role of infusing the culture into the new committers.
- Sam Ruby
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Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Thanks for bringing up this question.
Thanks Sam for this very nice mail, I agree with what you say.
I have just one point:
For that reason, I believe that there needs to be a clear distinction
between PPMC members who are primarily observers and
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
One thing we have talked about is PPMC's. This makes a lot of sense for
things proposed as new ASF projects. This makes considerably less sense
for donations such as the ones that are coming into Maven. The PMC is
already established. New commi
Sander Striker wrote:
On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 09:29, Bruce Snyder wrote:
This one time, at band camp, Berin Lautenbach said:
BL>> 2) Identify the PPMC who gets to name this project - and hold them
BL>> accountable for their decision.
BL>+1. I think the Incubator PMC is in a kind of unique po
erhaps after a few month delay),
that no PPMC would be neccessary or appropriate.
- Sam Ruby
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Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Suppose somebody new contributes 1K lines of quality code a week to
Maven over the course of a year... and is voted in as a comitter.
Clearly a CLA is required, but does a PPMC need to be created or
does the incubator need to be involved?
Of course not, as
thus acting as vetoers of last resort.".
- Sam Ruby
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I have no problem with Cocoon sponsoring the
adoption of Lenya. Furthermore, I have full confidence that the Cocoon
PMC would be the first to recognize such a problem if it were ever to
become an issue in the future, and would take actions to correct it
(such as
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Lenya will become a sub-project of Cocoon. Or better, a sub-codebase
of the same project. It's fair to assume that once incubation is
finished, the Lenya codebase will go to the Cocoon PMC and that all
Lenya commi
WebServices are the sponsoring PMCs of these two
code bases, respectively. Jakarta has an excellent track record of
being supportive of communities "graduating", and I have no doubt that
the WS PMC will behave similarly.
Santiago Gala wrote:
Can anybody point me to what's missing for Pluto graduation?
I am not aware of anything missing. +1 for graduation.
According to:
it seems that most steps (if not all) are already fulfilled.
The Apache Portals project has vot
d their commit privs
suspended pending receipt of a CLA.
- Sam Ruby
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- Sam Ruby
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recommendation that the incubator PMC itself be the sponsor.
- Sam Ruby
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- Sam Ruby
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27;s comments appear thoughtful, constructive, and actionable, I will
echo his -1 for the moment.
- Sam Ruby
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Roy T. Fielding wrote:
On Feb 28, 2005, at 7:25 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:
Dave Johnson wrote:
Proposal for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (prepared by Dave Johnson - Feb 28, 2005)
We the committers and friends of the open source Roller Weblogger
project propose that the project become part of the Apache
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Dear Incubator PMC :
We, the sponsoring members listed below, ask that you accept the
following proposal for a new project at Apache, an effort centered
around architecting and implementing J2SE 5.
- Sam Ruby
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Suggestion: the way to encourage people to move to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list is to stop responding to
questions posted here.
It only encourages them.
- Sam Ruby
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ke to point out that we are not at that point yet. Not even
close. Apache incubation can be a fairly long process, particularly for
proposals such as this one.
This is still a lot of room for optimism.
Concrete questions to help focus the discussion:
* Can ClassPath use APR?
* Can Harmony use C
suspect that the only robust solution to this will be to do the hard
work to make the various license compatible with one another.
- Sam Ruby
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ut not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems"
And, what are the "terms and conditions of this License"? Section 2
grants licensees the right to sublicense the copyrights held by each
hings are not true (example: code on CodeHaus
created by ASF committers with Apache license), then incubator needs to
be involved to ensure that there is a proper audit trail.
- Sam Ruby
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sed, like Dojo), that the
committer bases be diverse, and operate in an open and collaborative model.
- Sam Ruby
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he proposal, lets hear it. The proposal as it stands is to build
a unified, vibrant, and diverse community around code licensed under the
Apache License, version 2.0. And here seems like a good place to make
that happen.
- Sam Ruby
P.S. If this isn't complicated enough, there is a third
a codebase with a single, liberal, sub-licenseable license would be a
good thing.
At least one ASF member has +1'ed that reasoning.
Care to make an equally concrete proposal?
In particular, why would taking Solomon's advice and dividing the child
in half be benefitial to a
ng as they're told
to work on the project. (This is not pure paranoia ;) just look at Pluto if
you want to see it in effect)
Valid concern.
In summary I see this proposal as a high risk, low value offer to the ASF
and would definitely pass o
This discussion, the attendant angst and so called "overhead", are
recognized as part of the package, i.e., necessary to establish the
desired diversity and community involvement.
- Sam Ruby
To unsubsc
isn't intended to
exclude Dojo. Including Eclipse, doesn't mean to exclude NetBeans. As
Dims has pointed out, including IDE plugins is not new ground at the ASF.
- Sam Ruby
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imposed on anybody, and Jetty will remain an
option for the foreseeable future.
- Sam Ruby
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the proposal back for some
serious editing.
Please read Adam's email that predated yours by a full 2.5 hours.
In any case, if you would like to participate in this project on a
technical level, you would be more than welcome.
- Sam
ated, it was
reviewed by others, updated, and the objection based on lack of content
was dropped. That could very well have happened in the WS PMC as well
as here.
- Sam Ruby
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PMC's who may significant input).
Again, I don't believe that it is the incubator's job to enforce scope.
Furthermore, acceptance by the incubator is the start of a process,
not the end of it. There should be adequate opportunity for people to
on't expect the board to ever sponsor a project again - but then
again the board hasn't given up the right to do so.
- Sam Ruby
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hing, but to provide the grain of
sand that will lead to the production of a pearl.
- Sam Ruby
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es and demonstrating a
willingness to work on them is the best way to gain friends and allies.
If something particularly bad is said (hey, it happens), try to hold
back and see if others will come to your defense.
If you have any questions, let
Sam Ruby wrote:
Try NOT to ever get defensive.
Even when you accidentally copy a public mailing list when you meant to
send a private reply. ;-)
- Sam Ruby
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ST on Thursday, Jan 19th.
My vote: +1
- Sam Ruby
Original Message
Subject: AJAX Toolkit Proposal - Updated
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 23:07:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Ross Dargahi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: aclark <[E
ting), can all make use of AJAX. Whether or not *this*
project provides anything useful to them will depend on who
participates and where the project goes as it evolves.
- Sam Ruby
AJAX Toolkit Proposal
0. Rationale
While the term AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) has only
that the future direction of the architecture and code is, as is
everything at the ASF, subject to communal will.
* Other contributors interested in any ASF codebase, with or without
existing codebases, are free to contribute, or to propose additional
related projects.
- Sam Ruby
Erik Abele wrote:
On 16.01.2006, at 02:42, Sam Ruby wrote:
The discussion has died down, and the time has come to call for a
VOTE to see if the incubator wants to sponsor and accept this
proposal for incubation.
As Roy and Leo (and others?) already noted, the proposal as sent is
ture". What evidence do
you have of that? I'm sure that you can give examples of other
communities where that was a problem, and I can give examples of other
communities where that was NOT a problem. What do either examples
prove? Nothin
Andrew Clark wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
And fwiw, I like 'Jambaloo' as a name but probably that's just me ;-)
Andy, any preference?
I don't have any particular preference in regards to
the name. If people have a problem with AjaxTk being
too broad, then any other name will
be brought forward.
- Sam Ruby
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who want there to be one or more AJAX
projects at the ASF take a moment and consider how to make constructive
suggestions on how to make that happen.
And, should you feel so inclined, feel free to update the Kabuki proposal:
- Sam Ruby
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
To be honest, I would rather those points be placed on an general
incubator page as they apply to every proposal.
Jean just took care of that, using your wording. :-)
I take no credit for that wording. I simply took *your* wording, and
de-AJAXed it
with any existing TLP, and is broad enough to justify
eventual TLP status.
Champion: Sam Ruby
* Andy Clark (Zimbra)
* Paul Freemantle (WSO2)
* Sam Ruby (IBM)
* Sanjiva Weerawarana (WSO2)
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o vote going on?
Yes there is a vote going on. Please do vote.
- Sam Ruby
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Martin van den Bemt
+1 Justin Erenkrantz
+1 Noel J. Berman
+1 Sanjiva Weerawarana
+1 Sam Ruby
- Sam Ruby
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uot;us". And the best way that I know of to create
more like him, execute on the advocacy vision of Brian, and the mission
of the incubator as established by the ASF board, is to help Andy create
a vibrant, diverse, and sustainable community around Kabuki.
- Sam Ruby
of where the
code ends up".
But as it stands, the discussion to date gives the appearance that a
number of people are more interested in where this code ends up than in
the code itself.
- Sam Ruby
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Brett Porter wrote:
> On 2/4/06, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This discussion would be a lot easier if it were of the form "here's
>>code that I would like to see at the ASF, and I'd like to participate
>>and make use of it in the follow
version of jsch?
4) is general@incubator the right place for nag e-mails?
If any of these are incorrect, please either drop an e-mailto
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or simply directly update the jakarta-gump cvs
repository with the correct information.
- Sam Ruby
Original Message
Subject: cvs
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
Isn't that a no no?
The board is discussing this.
What scares the crap out of me is the weasel words. "intent to offer
royalty free...".
As a rule, lawyers are very careful in what they say and do not say. I
can only presume that the word "intent" was carefully chos
no to projects which are. Hopefully, this will
get some to change, and perhaps in other cases we will find safer
- Sam Ruby
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integration, but at the
present time, the reverse is not true.
- Sam Ruby
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Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
You can integrate with Gump regardless of Maven. Its just
configuring gump is a royal pain in the butt.
Apparently creating the following is beyond Andy's abilities:*che
entire target should be removed), I will proceed onto the next issue and
report back.
- Sam Ruby
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When will you guys ever get a clue?
I must say that this entire thread made my day. It is *nice* to see
this group of people collaborating.
- Sam Ruby
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will need to be something other than
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs.
Let me know and I will replace what you put up there with a clean
checkout and then I'll add it to my list of directories to automatically
be updated every six hou
bator group? I think most people around
here know who I am ;-)
...and I have been subscribed since the beginning and do participate in
incubation activities...
...besides, I need access if I am going to help out with the cvs updates.
- Sam
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
i'd also like to nominate myself to take up this gauntlet..
- Sam Ruby
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e expectation to have the board
give prior approval of a new TLP as a prerequisite for entrance into
I have similar reservations about prior approval by target projects as a
prerequisite for acceptance by the incu
that every Jakarta code
base that has desired to become a top level project has had the full
support of the Jakarta PMC in achieving this goal.
- Sam Ruby
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Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Sander Striker wrote:
From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 5:11 AM
My understanding from discussion with Sam and Ken was that creation
of a new
TLP or migrating to an existing one would be an exit, not
I recall that did it
of their own initiative.
--- Noel
- Sam Ruby
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Stephen McConnell wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
James is the only project that I recall that did it of their own
Correction - Avalon was of its own iniative.
Hearing that statement makes me feel VERY good. ;-)
Cheers, Steve.
Note: Stephen is not a subscriber to the [EMAIL PROTECTED
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
On Friday, Sep 19, 2003, at 05:21 Europe/Rome, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 19/09/2003 08:42:26 AM:
It took repeated attemps to get Ant to "matriculate". And significant
effort for Avalon. James is the only project th
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
2) Problems in the Avalon community that the jakarta PMC was unaware of
(there was not Avalon representation in that PMC at that time)
There was Avalon representation in the Jakarta PMC at that time.
- Sam Ruby
Davanum Srinivas is an ASF member and an ASF officer and chair of the
web services PMC. He is very interested in the incubation of the WSRP4J
and Pluto podlings.
I would like to see him included in the incubator PMC. Let me start
things off with my: +1.
- Sam Ruby
one? If so, does anybody have any problem with elevating
the visibility of this form?
- Sam Ruby
P.S. The licence-grant.pdf seems to have "1999" hardcoded in it.
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to make sure this concern, whatever it is, has been addressed first.
- Sam Ruby
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2. Time frame: TBD
3. Graduation requirements: TBD
As to the two TBD's above, these depend on the definition of the
incubation phases...
- Sam Ruby
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Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Thanks for the info, Sam.
I asked this mainly because of the wiki entry
where some people showed there interest in Pluto (or in the
proposal) and most of them are not aware of the current state.
And I was just won
is once the resolution is fixed.
> -Bertrand
- Sam Ruby
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:52 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:06 AM, sebb wrote:
>> > ...There is a mix of ASF e-mails and non-ASF e-mails above...
h to my dismay, even capturing odf as their
> incubator repository name, but they may have to deal with that to graduate to
> a TLP.
- Sam Ruby
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d be gated on the
completion of this task. After all, IP clearance is one of the roles
the incubator is expected to perform.
- Sam Ruby
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On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 4:15 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> We've reached out to the OO and LO communities, and have
> the call out to all current OO/LO developers to join up
> if they want...
- Sam Ruby
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Hi all -
> I see that I'm listed as a sponsor. Can you please remove my name and
> replace with someone else? I never agreed to sponsor this.
I've removed
sion which Jim already responded to.
Just to connect the dots: I gave my +1 here:
- Sam Ruby
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? How many other
> independent copyright holders would have to assent to the license change?
> How much non-assenting code would have to be eliminated and potentially
> replaced?
The answers to these questions are not known at this time, and will
need to be resolved
ubator, as part of the
> regular incubation process.
- Sam Ruby
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very entity and
organization that wishes to.
- Sam Ruby
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er a few years back. That was, however, some
> time ago. Is there a way to confirm that my CLA info is on file and good to
> go?
Look here:
> Thanks,
> Phil
- Sam Ruby
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