You have to manually edit a file in the private committers area of the
Apache SVN repo. The specific file you need to edit and how to edit it was
detailed in an email from Noah Slater that went out on the committers@a.o
list on 20th January. It's a private list so I am avoiding mentioning
Black Duck software certainly have a useful platform though it would be
useful to know what they are considering using for the POC.
Personally I¹ve used their Protex software and I can state from experience
that it is quite a time consuming and thankless process to work through IP
Rob Vesse
Cray is proposing to donate a set of libraries called Hadoop RDF Tools to
the Apache Jena project - the details of the code base can be viewed at and the current state of the
code for donation can be viewed at
With no objections the vote passes by lazy consensus
On 22/05/2014 12:12, "Rob Vesse" wrote:
>Cray is proposing to donate a set of libraries called Hadoop RDF Tools to
>the Apache Jena project - the details of the code base can be viewed at
On 09/07/2014 09:12, "Chris Douglas" wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
>> Again, why would code lose users? Remember we're talking
>> about a situation of no releases here. Presumably those
>> users who are comfortable building from the repo would
>> just keep do
Interesting proposal, it seems like the core technology being described
has a lot in common with Apache Shiro
Has collaboration with that community been considered whether just in
terms of reusing existing Shiro components wherever possible or something
deeper e.g. inviting Shiro developers to hel
What overlap (if any) do you see with the existing Marmotta podling?
They are building out an implementation of the Linked Data Platform which
is a ongoing W3C standardization effort
( and can be thought of as a
more RDF/Semantic Web centric alter
Having also come to Apache by joining a now graduated podling (Apache
Jena) I like the idea of a "What to expect" document and agree with pretty
much everything that you lay out here. I think people outside of Apache
often don't appreciate how a volunteer organization operates and many of
Could someone please grant me write access to the Incubator wiki
My username is RobVesse
while you do learn. If, for whatever reason, they are unable or
>unwilling to, you can ask on the incubator general list. If the optic is
>too sensitive to discuss in public (eg a potential committer) you may
>contact the incubator ombudsman at
Not really an issue
JIRA allows a lot of flexibility in the configuration of Versions (I.e.
the version strings are free text) so you could easily have "Apex x.y.z"
and "Malhar x.y.z" as separate versions under a single JIRA key. It just
needs the community managing the JIRA to be careful about e
Interesting proposal
As someone already involved with other open source RDF projects both
inside and outside Apache it would be nice to add to the Relationships
with Other Apache Products a bit about what (if anything) you expect the
relationship to other RDF related Apache projects (Jena, Clerezz
On 14/09/2015 16:17, "Adam Fuchs" wrote:
>Thanks again for the healthy discussion on Rya. With that, I would like to
>call a VOTE for accepting Rya as a new incubator project.
>The proposal text is included below, and is posted on the wiki here:
Various comments inline:
On 15/09/2015 03:41, "Marko Rodriguez" wrote:
>> Thanks for making a clear statement because it lets me focus on the
>> question that may be central to this discussion: can you tell us why
>> did you guys decided to join ASF in the first place? This is not a
On 03/11/2015 01:08, "Ted Dunning" wrote:
>Looking at the email archives just now, it looks to me like commons RDF is
>finding it difficult to build a community and maintain any serious
>momentum. Seeing only a few emails or commits for months on end raises
>flags to me. A project that pet
You are quite right
Apache projects can incorporate code under suitable licenses provided that
they properly attribute it in their NOTICE and LICENSE files. Exact
requirements will depend on the license under which the external source
code is incorporated.
For a simple case like this it would mo
On 17/11/2015 08:20, "Greg Stein" wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 5:25 AM, Ted Dunning
>> wrote:
>> > ...RTC can be framed as "I don't trust you to do things right"...
>> Or also "I don't trust myself 100% to do things right
On 17/11/2015 16:50, "Steve Loughran" wrote:
>If someone were to have some metrics of projects, the state of
>patches/pull requests would be a key issue.
Given a GitHub project generates statistics about the state of the Pull
Requests in the project e.g.
+1 (binding)
Good luck
On 24/11/2015 00:53, "Hyunsik Choi" wrote:
>Hello folks,
>Thanks for all the feedback on the S2Graph Proposal.
>I would like to call for a [VOTE] on S2Graph joining the ASF as an
>incubation project.
>The vote is open for at least 72 hours:
>[ ] +1 accept S2G
+1 (binding)
On 24/11/2015 19:32, "Todd Lipcon" wrote:
>Hi all,
>Discussion on the [DISCUSS] thread seems to have wound down, so I'd like
>call a VOTE on acceptance of Kudu into the ASF Incubator. The proposal is
>pasted below and also available on the wiki at:
I seem to remember that INFRA used to do redirects but decided to stop
doing them because it made the transition to TLP easier for podlings post
graduation because their "final" URL was active from as soon as they start
(assuming they don't name change during incubation)
Pretty much any of the cur
Thanks for digging up the reference
I knew INFRA had made the change for a reason but couldn't remember the
On 01/12/2015 16:18, "Niall Pemberton" wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:46 AM, Marvin Humphrey
>> Greets,
>> It seems that podling websites are availab
+1 (binding)
Good luck
On 15/12/2015 08:56, "Nick Kew" wrote:
>I should like to call a vote to accept Milagro into
>the Incubator. The full proposal is available at
>as well as below.
>Note that the project was first discussed here unde
Just wanted to reply to one specific point:
On 15/01/2016 14:55, "Peter Kelly" wrote:
>I felt were unreasonable - the inability to accept pull requests from
>anyone without first asking them to sign a CLA
Who in particular told you this? I occasionally see communities operating
under this misg
To clarify on Daniel's comments this does not mean that pull requests
cannot be merged
You can have Infra set up ASF integration with GitHub such that pull
requests trigger emails to your projects dev list, those emails contain
instructions on how to pull and merge the request into your local ASF
I keep an eye on the Lucene.Net TLP since I use it in some of my other
projects and after a long hiatus the activity in that community has picked
up considerably. However there is one thing that has caught my eye that
they've been doing recently which I'm not sure is strictly necessary. I
If a community made predominantly of existing Apache committers (or
containing a strong core of) already exists and this would be a small self
contained module as part of Apache Commons then why does the Incubator
need be involved at all?
Why can this not just be submitted directly to Apach
, e.g. more of a
>focus on the project goals and growing their community, and not so
>much worry about IP issues, licenses and build/release procedures.
>On 20 January 2015 at 15:08, Rob Vesse wrote:
>> Stian
>> If a community made predominantly of existing Apa
One option would be to get the company involved to donate the trademark,
if you check with trademarks@a.o then I am pretty sure that has happened
in the past and they can likely guide you on procedures for this
Your wording implies that perhaps this isn't an option in this particular
podlings case
There is a case where an CCLA can cover for an SGA
If a company donates code to an existing project where the developers of
the incoming contributions already have ICLAs and the company has signed
CCLA for those contributors that were already in effect at the time the
contributions were originally
+1 to jan's comments
Ideally you should not be carrying out votes for code changes unless you
can't progress without it. In some Apache projects I've participated in I
don't think we've ever held a formal vote on code changes. It's fairly
common to informally use +1/0/-1 to expression opinions a
is to help formulate the proposal. That work is
>essentially done -- so it doesn't matter too much who takes that role,
>Are Andy and Reto opting out out as a gesture of openness to Sesame?
>> === No
+1 (binding)
On 22/02/2015 05:34, "Adam Bordelon" wrote:
>Hello friends,
>After receiving a positive response on the discussion thread, and even a
>new Mentor (Luciano), I would like to call a VOTE to accept Myriad into
>Apache Incubator. I will end the vote after 7 days.
On 27/02/2015 19:19, "Lewis John Mcgibbney"
>Hi general@,
>Over the last while a number of individuals have been putting together a
>proposal and gathering interest in proposing Commons RDF for acceptance
>into the Apache Incubator. Having worked our way through the Incubator
+1 (binding)
On 19/03/2015 08:20, "Benedikt Ritter" wrote:
>+1 non-binding
>2015-03-19 9:07 GMT+01:00 Romain Manni-Bucau :
>> +1
>> Le 19 mars 2015 09:07, "Ashish" a écrit :
>> > +1 non-binding
>> >
>> > On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Roman Shaposhnik
>> wrote:
>> > > Following
+1 (binding)
On 19/04/2015 22:46, "Roman Shaposhnik" wrote:
>Following the discussion earlier in the thread:
>I would like to call a VOTE for accepting Geode
>as a new incubator project.
>The proposal is available at:
On 30/04/2015 00:24, "Niclas Hedhman" wrote:
>But may I suggest the other way around?? Can't Neo4j have a Tinkerpop
>module at their end, which Tinkerpop advertise to be available for those
>that can live with the GPL/AGPL limitations? That would make this a
>non-issue, and IIUIC fits well withi
Answers inline:
On 13/05/2015 14:24, "Stefan Reich"
>Hi again!
>I was silent because I am thinking... :) (Also I am making releases of my
>I am trying to understand Apache.
Take a look at - there is a lot of good introductory
material there
>It see
Over the past few months there have been several occasions where I've
given podlings/recently graduated PMCs a gentle nudge about brand
enforcement and vendor neutrality issues. In all cases the projects have
responded positively and appropriately to these nudges and taken the
necessary actio
Answers inline, please be aware IANAL so these answers are no substitute
for getting advice from a real lawyer
On 17/06/2015 17:12, "封仲淹(纪君祥)" wrote:
>May I ask several question about donating projects to Apache?
>Any help are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
>As we all know, the
On 24/06/2015 04:12, "Justin Erenkrantz" wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Roman Shaposhnik
>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH)
>> wrote:
>>> There is nothing preventing "clearly identifiable non-release artifacts
>>> available to the general public
On 24/06/2015 18:02, "Markus Weimer" wrote:
>> Personally I think the policy should be clarified such that nightly
>> MUST only live on ASF infrastructure (whether that be the Nexus
>> repo, committer web space etc). As soon as you start putting them on
>> external services
No such requirement actually exists
Jena graduated in April 2012 and because of our backwards compatibility
requirements the package names for existing code have until very recently
remained the same (though new code developed at Apache has used
org.apache.jena where possible)
Now we are finally
+1 (binding)
On 28/07/2015 21:03, "Konstantin Boudnik" wrote:
>Following discussions [1],[2] about its current status, the Ignite
>has voted [3] to graduate from the Incubator. The vote passed [4] with 14
>(non-binding) +1s:
> 1. Yakov Zhdanov (PPMC)
> 2. Gianfranco Murad
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