Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate Apache DolphinScheduler (incubating) as a TLP

2021-02-05 Thread Kris Calvin
+1 (non-binding) Having been contribute to the DolphinScheduler community for almost half a year, I have acquainted with many interesting and professional coders, they are my teachers and mates. With their assistance, I have contributed my code to the community. I am so happy the community now re

[VOTE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.5

2021-02-10 Thread Kris Calvin
Hello IPMC and DolphinScheduler Community, This is a call for vote to release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) version 1.3.5 We now kindly request the Incubator IPMC members review and vote on this incubator release. Dolphin Scheduler is a distributed and easy-to-expand visual DAG workflow s

[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.5

2021-02-13 Thread Kris Calvin
Hi All, Release vote for Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.5 has PASSED and closed now. The results are as follows: [3] +1 Binded votes - Sheng Wu - Furkan KAMACI - Kevin Ratnasekera [ 0 ] +0 Binded Votes [ 0 ] -1 Binded Votes Vote thread:

[ANNOUNCE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.5

2021-02-14 Thread Kris Calvin
We are glad to announce the release of Apache DolphinScheduler(incubating) 1.3.5. Once again I would like to express my thanks to your help. Dolphin Scheduler is a distributed and easy-to-expand visual DAG workflow scheduling system, dedicated to solving the complex dependencies in data processing

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.1.1

2021-02-21 Thread Kris Calvin
hi, it is recommended to initiate a vote in the dev mail group, and then send it to the general mail group after the vote is passed. On 2021/02/21 02:06:45, Joshua Poore wrote: > Hi Folks,> > > > Please VOTE on the Apache Flagon UserALE.js 2.1.1 Release Candidate # 02.> > > > About Flagon: http

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Doris 0.14.0-incubating-rc02

2021-03-15 Thread Kris Calvin
-1 (non-binding) No DISCLAIMER file. The NOTICE year is incorrect. kezhenxu94@apache 于2021年3月16日周二 上午10:21写道: > -1 (non-binding) because I cannot see a DISCLAIMER file in the release > tar, neither in the GitHub repository. > > > On Mar 15, 2021, at 10:56, 寒江雪 wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > P

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Hop (incubating) 0.70-rc1

2021-03-30 Thread Kris Calvin
Sorry, there seem to be only two binding votes from the community vote. Are some PPMC votes incorrectly calculated as non-binding? Hans Van Akelyen 于2021年3月30日周二 下午10:43写道: > Hi Incubator team, > > We are proud to announce that we have a new release candidate ready for > release and would like y

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache YuniKorn (Incubating) 0.10.0

2021-04-07 Thread Kris Calvin
+1 (non-binding) I checked: -Digital signature and hashes correct -DISCLAIMER file exists -The name of the published file contains “incubating" -LICENSE and NOTICE files exists -The NOTICE year does not seem to be updated (please note). Jason Lowe 于2021年4月7日周三 下午10:07写道: > Echoing my +1 from th

Re: [DISCUSS] Incubating Proposal of Shenyu

2021-04-15 Thread Kris Calvin
I have the same question about this. I’m not sure what the criteria of the initial committers of the project are. Maybe they have contributed to the project in other ways, but as Zhenxu said, the contributors in [4] The contribution is visible to everyone. I don’t know why they are not considered a

Re: Release Helm chart as a derived downstream software artifact

2021-04-16 Thread Kris Calvin
Hi, hope these documents can help you. Release Management: Assembling LICENSE and NOTICE files: ASF 3RD PARTY LICENSE POLICY: Lewis John McGibbney 于2

Re: Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache ECharts as TLP (round 2)

2020-11-23 Thread Kris Calvin
+1 non-binding, good luck CalvinKirs Liu Ted 于2020年11月23日周一 下午8:22写道: > +1, binding. > Ted Liu > > >在 2020 年 11月 月 23 日週一,時間:19:54 , vongosling 寫道: > +1, binding > > > Best Regards, > Von Gosling > > lidong dai 于2020年11月23日周一 下午7:38写道: > > > +1 non-binding > > looking forward to ECharts g