confirm whether it has been repaired in pr[1]
Can you tell us the specific version of JDK and maven you tried to compile
failed? We confirm whether the repair is completed in pr[1]
Best Regards!
Chen Xia.
俊平堵 于2022年10月25日周二 16:30写道:
Hi brucedchen1991, thanks.
Shuai Di has sent notice mail about [Community VOTE started for
graduate Apache Linkis(incubating) as a TLP] [1], no need to repeat
Best Regards!
Chen Xia.
Best Regards!
Chen Xia
+1 non-binding
Best Regards!
Chen Xia.
Shuai Di 于2022年11月27日周日 18:17写道:
> Dear Apache Incubator Community and IPMC members,
> After having the graduation discussion in the Linkis community [1], we
> have passed the vote within Linkis community [2] and the vote result
+1 non-binding
Eason Chen 于2023年2月6日周一 17:28写道:
> Dear Apache Incubator Community,
> Apache EventMesh has been incubating [1] since 2021-02-18 for over 23
> months. The EventMesh community has grown rapidly under the guidance
> of mentors and the Apache Way. After se