[VOTE] Release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating) 4.0.0-RC3

2019-11-18 Thread Juan Pan
Hello everyone, This is a call for vote to release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating) version 4.0.0-RC3. The Apache ShardingSphere community has voted on and approved a proposal to release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating) version 4.0.0-RC3. We now kindly request the Incubator IPMC members re

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache ECharts (incubating) 4.5.0 (release candidate 2)

2019-11-18 Thread Yi Shen
> > But we can make this page more clearly about the version hint. About the online builder page. Perhaps we can download the source release zip from Apache Server and do unzipping and bundling on the fly in the browser. We can even do sha512 validation in the browser if necessary. On Sat, Nov 1

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating) 4.0.0-RC3

2019-11-18 Thread Sheng Wu
Carry my +1 binding from dev ml Sheng Wu 吴晟 Twitter, wusheng1108 Juan Pan 于2019年11月18日周一 下午5:40写道: > Hello everyone, > > This is a call for vote to release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating) > version 4.0.0-RC3. > > The Apache ShardingSphere community has voted on and approved a proposal > to

[ANNOUNCE] Release Apache ECharts (incubating) 4.5.0

2019-11-18 Thread SHUANG SU
Hi all, The Apache ECharts (incubating) team is proud to announce Apache ECharts version 4.5.0-incubating. ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and visualization library. Download Links: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/incubator/echarts/4.5.0/ Release Notes: http://www.apache.

[VOTE] Release Apache Pinot (incubating) 0.2.0 RC0

2019-11-18 Thread Subbu Subramaniam
Hi all, This is a call for vote to the release Apache Pinot (incubating) version 0.2.0. Apache Pinot (incubating) is a distributed columnar storage engine that can ingest data in realtime and serve analytical queries at low latency. Pinot community has voted and approved this release. Vote thre