Stephen McConnell wrote:
BZZZT, BZZZT, the above statement presumes that "release" and
"publication" are one and the same. The distinction between a vote to
"release" and a vote to "publish" is in my option an import aspect of
active community based decision making. Communities vote to release,
Leo Simons wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
I would go further. Essentially, a release by a podling would require
a vote by the incubator PMC to do so.
a release by *any* project requires its supervising PMC to vote
it through. Since for podlings, the supervising PMC is by definition
the incubator PMC
Sam Ruby wrote:
I would go further. Essentially, a release by a podling would require
a vote by the incubator PMC to do so.
a release by *any* project requires its supervising PMC to vote
it through. Since for podlings, the supervising PMC is by definition
the incubator PMC, you're not going any
Leo Simons wrote:
The podling website should have a notice () on its
front page pointing out that its under incubation, a notice in the
root of its cvs (in README.txt or WARNING.txt or ...), a notice
inside and alongside any downloadables it produces in a prominent
location, and i
Hi gang,
long e-mail, with analysis of pros and cons, and some policy
draft on some issues Berin didn't address yet last time I checked.
a question at hand: how do we make clear to everyone that a
project and all its related assets are "under incubation" (along
with what th