In order to be accepted as an incubating project you need to put together a
proposal. The Incubator PMC would also have to agree that the project is a good
fit for the ASF. I would suggest you take a look at this [1] and some other
incubator proposals [2] (newer ones are at the top). If y
Wed, Dec 2, 10:25 AM (13 days ago)
to general
Hello, This is Park from Korea.
I made a C++ server side web development framewo
Hello, This is Park from Korea.
I made a C++ server side web development framework with state.
I named it eZ framework because it is very easy to use and not much to
I want my project to be used by many.
So I am applying to be a incubator project.
License is LGPL now, but I can change it t