> From:Jinjiang Zhao
> Send Time:2016年11月4日(星期五) 10:59
> To:general
> Cc:general ; weex-apache
> ; Stephan Ewen ;
> luke.hq ; hedhman ; willem.jiang
> ; Longda Feng ; Casey
> Bisson ; bryan
> Subject:Re: Seek one Champion for incubating Weex pro
6年11月4日(星期五) 10:59
Cc:general ; weex-apache
; Stephan Ewen ;
luke.hq ; hedhman ; willem.jiang
; Longda Feng ; Casey
Bisson ; bryan
Subject:Re: Seek one Champion for incubating Weex project
Great! It will be our pleasure to have you as a champion. Maybe we can keep
in touch and we are
From: Benjamin Young [mailto:byo...@bigbluehat.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11:13 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Cc: weex-apache; Stephan Ewen; luke...@gmail.com; hedh...@gmail.com; willem.
ji...@gmail.com; Longda Feng
Subject: Re: Seek one Champion for incubating Weex project
Hi Jinjian
Subject: Re: Seek one Champion for incubating Weex project
Hi Jinjiang and Longda,
Were you all able to find a Champion for the Incubator? I'd hate to see this
great project miss out on benefiting from the Apache Way.
Please let us know if you're still in need of help finding a
> http://linkedin.com/in/benjaminyoung
> From: 赵锦江
> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:18:03 PM
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: weex-apache; Stephan Ewen; luke...@gmail.com; hedh...@gmail.com;
> willem.ji...@gmail.com; Longda Feng
> Subject: Re: Seek one C
From: 赵锦江
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:18:03 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Cc: weex-apache; Stephan Ewen; luke...@gmail.com; hedh...@gmail.com;
willem.ji...@gmail.com; Longda Feng
Subject: Re: Seek one Ch
Hi I'am Jinjiang Zhao from Weex team.
Weex hope to help more people build their mobile apps with high perf easier and
faster. Just write once run any platforms. Also it uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript
syntax and is more friendly for frontend developers.
Very glad to know every guys.
The Weex team are looking forward to one champion for Weex project
Any help is appreciated.
Weex is a framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI. Weex allows
developers to build iOS, Android and Web user interface with a single
The proj