On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 12:18 AM, AKEHURST David
> Can one of us get on the IPMC and then be mentor for the project ?
That's not out of the question. It doesn't happen very often, but not because
the path is particularly arduous -- it's that the IPMC tends to take notice of
people who are
Hi Dennis
Thanks for your work in the past, and good look for the future.
Hereby I offer my help as a Mentor. But I would realy be lucky to have a
other, more experianced Mentor at my side.
Greetings Raphael
Am 26.11.13 19:20, schrieb Dennis Lundberg:
Hi all
I've been one of the mentors of
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
> I've been one of the mentors of the NPanday podling since it began
> incubation. As time has passed I am now the only mentor left.
> Unfortunately I no longer have the time to mentor NPanday, and haven't
> had for the past 6-8 months. Bett
Hi all
I've been one of the mentors of the NPanday podling since it began
incubation. As time has passed I am now the only mentor left.
Unfortunately I no longer have the time to mentor NPanday, and haven't
had for the past 6-8 months. Better to step down and let in some new
blood. So I hereby res